College President’s Duties and Responsibilities – B 213

Under its authority granted by ORS 341.290, the Board establishes the office of President and delegates to the President the powers and duties as described in this policy.

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of Portland Community College and is responsible to the Board for the proper administration of the college. The President, or the President’s designee:

  • Shall be responsible for the organization and operation of the college;
  • Shall appoint, remove, discipline and supervise all employees of the college in a manner consistent with the college personnel system and applicable collective bargaining agreements;
  • Shall prepare and submit a proposed college budget for the Board’s review and approval pursuant to Local Budget Law? (ORS 294.305 to 294.565) ?and shall properly administer the budget as adopted;
  • Shall prepare an annual work plan and report of accomplishments;
  • Shall keep the Board advised of the financial condition and needs of the college;
  • Shall be responsible for maintaining open communications with the Board and for keeping the Board informed as to all matters pertinent to the governance of the college;
  • Shall make recommendations to the Board concerning Board policy;
  • Shall, subject to the approval of the Board, conduct all aspects of real property transactions on behalf of the college;
  • Shall adopt operating policies and procedures as required by Board policy, as otherwise directed by the Board, or as the President deems necessary for the effective administration of the college;
  • Shall act as the purchasing agent for the college and shall execute and administer contracts under authority of the Board;
  • Shall perform other duties consistent with this policy and as required by the Board; and
  • Shall exercise all powers and duties under ORS 341.290 to ORS 341.321 not retained by the Board.

Revised December 2013