Planning and Capital Construction

9700 SW Capitol Hwy, Suite 260, Portland, OR 97219 | 971-722-8410 | Rebecca Ocken


2022 Education Bond

PCC has a bond on the November 8 ballot. Learn more about the 2022 Education Bond ?

The Office of Planning and Capital Construction (P&CC) oversees land use and development planning with a college-wide perspective, including the construction of facilities funded by bond measures. P&CC partners with a variety of external regional entities to leverage public resources and efficiently serve the community.

The 2017 bond program focuses on taking care of current college assets, addressing safety/security, and updating technology. This bond is also funding the renovation of the Sylvania Campus Health Technology Building, the Portland Metropolitan Workforce Training Center, and the Cascade Campus Public Safety Building.

The 2008 bond program expanded PCC’s capacity with new facilities, updated equipment, and funded strategic planning tools. The 2008 bond funded the development of the Vanport Building (formerly known as the Fourth and Montgomery project) and PCC’s OMIC Training Center.

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