Rock Creek Campus – capital improvements

Dealer Service Technology Building

May 2022 Brand new Building 10

Exterior view of Dealer Service Tech building looking at the entrance from the parking lot

May 2022 Exterior bay

Exterior covered bay on the back of building to allow students to work on engines outdoors

May 2022 Yard

Yard outside new Dealer Service Building to store large Caterpillar vehicles

May 2022 High bay area set up to welcome large machines and engines

Interior view of the high bay area in the Dealer Service Tech Building showing large engines in the bay, roll up doors on the left, and cranes on steel beams on the ceiling

Dealer Service Tech Program teaching equipment

Equipment to work on dealer vehicles inside the new building

ThinkBig Program student

Student working on engine at the Dealer Service shop

April 2021 Metal framing work on the new DSTB

Metal framing work on the new Dealer Service Technology building

April 2021 Metal framing of new DSTB

Metal framing of the new Dealer Service Technology building

Exterior rendering, NW elevation

Exterior rendering of Northwest elevation of DSTB

Exterior rendering, south elevation looking at entrance and classrooms

Exterior rendering south elevation looking at entrance and classrooms

Exterior rendering, SW elevation of front entry

Exterior rendering, Southwest elevation of front entry
Students walking around large CAT machinesStudent working on a CAT machine with a screwdriverStudent driving a CAT machineStudent working on a control panel

  • Project manager: Tim Kremer
  • Design-build team: Robert Evans Company/CIDA
  • Budget: $8,486,114
  • Square footage: 15,950
  • Timeline: February 2019 – April 2022
  • Funding: 2017 bond

PCC Rock Creek Campus has a new building to support the college’s Dealer Service Technology Program and fulfill PCC’s commitment to its Caterpillar dealership partners with on-the-job training of skilled technicians. The new building includes classrooms; open industrial lab space; faculty space; tool room and additional storage space; and a large vehicle circulation yard.

PCC’s Dealer Service Technology Program combines technical and academic education with real-world experience. The new facilities will allow students to pursue Associate of Applied Science degrees in Dealer Service Technology and Caterpillar Power Generation while working on many types of Caterpillar equipment, including agricultural, construction, forestry, power generation, and earthmoving equipment.


The Dealer Service Technology Building is certified LEED Gold. Some of the green features of this project include:

  • All assemblies (walls, roofs, doors, and windows) are 20% more efficient than required by the current code.
  • The building supports an extensive photovoltaic (solar panels) system.
  • Low flow plumbing fixtures throughout.
  • Large windows and light sensors within spaces balance the natural light coming in with the use of artificial lighting to reduce energy consumption.
  • Green-certified sustainable materials throughout.
  • Reuse of salvaged materials where possible.
  • All LED light fixtures throughout.
  • Extensive stormwater treatment facilities on the north and south edges of the site will treat all rainwater runoff.
  • Drought tolerant native plantings across the site.
  • DSTB open house: November 5, 2019
  • ThinkBIG Advisory Committee meeting: September 19, 2019
  • Stakeholder design meeting (75% schematic design phase): August 14, 2019
  • Grand opening: July 26, 2022

Veterinarian Technology barn replacement

Donkey and horse in front of the barn at Rock Creek Campus

  • Project manager: Stephen Wasserberger/Otak CPM
  • Design team: Opsis Architecture
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Budget: $3,500,000
  • Timeline: December 2021 – February 2023
  • Funding: 2017 bond

The barn at Rock Creek Campus will be replaced with a new building designed to serve the needs of the Veterinary Technology program, improving the teaching areas and the quality of shelter for the farm animals. The user group is highly involved allowing the project team to identify needs in the space and refine the plans.

The new Vet-Tech Barn will include animal shelter and feeding areas such as the main barn, horse stalls, and sections for cows, sheep, and llamas. The space also involves a classroom, restrooms, storage, and office space. This new barn will allow for more efficient care of the animals which will reduce operational costs.

Building 7 chemistry lab renovation: completed

Renovated Chemistry Lab

Six new laboratory stations with new plumbing and lines for different gases on each table, showing the fume hoods in the back

Lab stations accommodate four students each

Lab station that accommodates four students, whiteboard on the back of the room

New vacuum pump supports the fume hoods exhaustion

Vacuum pump

Project completed

  • Project manager: Stephen Wasserberger/Otak CPM
  • Design team: TVA Architecture
  • Contractor: Pence Construction
  • Budget: $1,280,000
  • Timeline: November 2019 – December 2021
  • Funding: 2017 bond

The Chemistry lab in Building 7 received several improvements such as the replacement of the lab fume hoods, installation of new lab stations, and upgraded presentation technology. The fume hood replacement adds to the lab safety and functionality as well as enhances the air quality for the users. The work to deliver improved lab stations involved upgrades to the plumbing, gas, and electrical lines on each station, and new epoxy countertops. The chemistry lab also received a new podium in line with PCC visual standards.

Building 3 upgrade: completed

Copper piping prior to insulation

Copper piping prior to insulation in Building 3 mechanical system

Building 3 mechanical system

Copper pipping prior to insulation part of the upgraded mechanical system

Upgraded HVAC system installation

Heat, ventilation, air conditioning ducts in Building 3

Project completed

  • Project manager: Stephen Wasserberger/Otak CPM
  • Design team: Studio Petretti Architecture
  • Contractor: Pence Construction
  • Budget: $2,586,534
  • Timeline: October 2019 – November 2021
  • Funding: 2017 bond

A large portion of the Building 3 mechanical system was replaced with a more efficient one. The new mechanical system provides better air quality and enhanced ability to control the temperature in the different areas of the building while reducing energy consumption. Another improvement to Building 3 addressed egress building code requirements by adding an exit door to one of the existing classrooms, room 232. One last project that came out of upgrading Building 3 added large shop vacuums that connect directly to the equipment of the ceramic lab. The new dust collection system improves the Ceramic lab air quality and minimizes safety concerns.

Building 2 Welding Technology shop remodel: completed

Welding technology student weldingRemodeled Weld Shop at Rock Creek Campus building 2Rock Creek Weld shop under remodel showing the manifold exhaust system and cutting areasGases pipes connections at Rock Creek Weld ShopGases pipes installed in each welding booth

Project completed

  • Project manager: Zahava Jones
  • Design team: OPSIS Architecture
  • Contractor: Pence Construction
  • Budget: $6,176,575
  • Square footage: 10,000
  • Timeline: November 2019 – May 2021
  • Funding: 2017 bond

Within the same square footage, the weld shop used by the Welding Technology program was refreshed with a new layout including 58 new welding booths, three of which are ADA accessible. The drivers of this renovation were the demand for flexible and upgraded technology, energy consumption, and health and safety considerations. The remodeled, state-of-the-art weld shop provides a powerful learning environment. The increased health benefits for its users are directly related to the investment in an exhaust system that works upon demand and saves energy for the college.

Students will have the ability to learn and practice different types of welding at any one of the booths. Additional features of the remodel are the ability to practice robotics at each station and the larger size booths that accommodate bigger projects.

Event Center parking lot upgrade: completed

Lot E parking lot

Entrance to the parking lot looking at lot ID
Stripes denoting parking spaces looking at ADA spotsID of the parking lot ERock Creek Parking lot ERock Creek Parking lot E site plan

Project completed

  • Project manager: Zahava Jones
  • Design team: BRIC Architecture
  • Contractor: JH Kelly
  • Budget: $2,000,000
  • Timeline: October 2019 – May 2021
  • Funding: 2017 bond

Rock Creek Campus’ Event Center parking lot, also known as parking lot E, is being improved. This project will help increase the available parking, including more accessible parking on the west side of the campus. The site’s surrounding area is also enhanced with finished landscape and pathways connecting to the different destinations.

  • Feedback opportunity at DSTB open house: November 5, 2019

Entry landscape and sign: completed

Rock Creek Campus monumental entry sign

Project completed

  • Project manager: Zahava Jones
  • Design teams: Marianne Zarkin Landscape and Anderson Krygier
  • Contractors: Cascadia Landscape and ES&A Sign and Awning Co.
  • Budget: $400,000
  • Timeline: September 2019 – June 2020
  • Funding: 2008 bond

To complement the realignment of Rock Creek Campus’ main entrance, P&CC has created a landscape plan that includes installing irrigation and adding mulch beds, plants, trees, shrubs, and ground cover. In addition, a new campus entry sign with lighting was installed.

  • Springville Road phase II open house: April 2, 2019

Fuel tanks assessment: completed

Project completed

  • Project manager: Tim Kremer
  • Consultant: EVREN Northwest Inc.
  • Budget: $46,063*
  • Timeline: June 2019 – March 2020
  • Funding: 2017 bond

*District-wide budget

EVREN Northwest Inc. was hired to assess the condition of existing fuel tanks at Rock Creek, Swan Island, and Sylvania to provide the college with a set of recommendations based on their findings. Recommendations included potential increases/decreases in capacity based on existing use, potential decommissioning, relocation, disposal, or sale of the existing tanks and their contents.

Childcare Center

Rock Creek Childcare Center exteriorRock Creek Childcare Center playgroundRock Creek Childcare Center exterior

Project completed

  • Project manager: Zahava Jones
  • Design team: Scott Edwards Architecture
  • Contractor: Kirby Nagelhout Construction Company
  • Budget: $6,547,108
  • Square footage: 9,440
  • Timeline: June 2018 – October 2019
  • Funding: Design 2008 bond; construction 2017 bond

Rock Creek Campus is now home to a new, purpose-built Childcare Center. The center opened in the fall of 2019, with the capacity to serve over 57 children while their parents study or work on campus. The facility includes four classrooms, a covered outdoor play area, and a nature-inspired playground. Rock Creek’s Childcare Center was designed by Scott|Edwards Architecture, which also designed the Childcare Center at Southeast Campus. Rock Creek’s new facility is on track to receive a Gold rating from Earth Advantage Commercial, a green building certification program.

  • Open house and ribbon-cutting ceremony: September 17, 2019
  • Meet and Greet Fruit and Flower Childcare provider: September 4, 2019
  • Meet and Greet Fruit and Flower Childcare provider: August 23, 2019

Entry realignment: completed

Courtesy of Washington County

Rock Creek Campus entrance realignment diagram

Courtesy of Washington County

Rock Creek Campus entrance realignment diagram – closeup

Project completed

  • Project manager: Washington County Matt Meier and P&CC Zahava Jones
  • Contractors: Oregon Mainline Paving
  • Budget: PCC $500,000, Washington County $5,000,000
  • Timeline: February – September 2019
  • Funding: 2008 bond, Washington County Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP), and Transportation 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Tax

This project, also known as Springville Road Phase II, includes realigning Rock Creek Campus’ main entrance with Northwest 178th Avenue and creating a signalized intersection to improve traffic flow and safety. This project includes the construction of bike lanes and sidewalks, as well as landscape, and street lighting. Other additional improvements as part of this project include stormwater treatment and neighborhood bikeway signing and striping.

  • Springville Road phase II open house: April 2, 2019
  • Springville Road phase II open house: February 28, 2018

Building 7 roof renewal: completed

Project completed

  • Project manager: Gary Sutton
  • Contractor: Garland Company
  • Budget: $645,809
  • Square footage: 25,000
  • Timeline: September 2018 – July 2019
  • Funding: 2017 bond

Building 2 boiler replacement: completed

Project completed

  • Project manager: Laura Ward
  • Contractor: JH Kelly
  • Budget: $1,472,127
  • Timeline: February – July 2019
  • Funding: 2017 bond

Library remodel

Learn about the Rock Creek Library remodel ?


If you have questions about the projects or would like to learn more about them, please contact or 971-722-8416.