As the largest post-secondary institution in Oregon, PCC serves more than 50,000 full-time and part-time students. We fill a unique role, one that offers high-quality education and opportunities for our students, which in turn contributes to the vibrancy of Portland’s economic community.
Student enrollment 2022–23
- Total student headcount: 51,033
- Credit students: 34,150
- Non-credit students: 18,657
- Full-time equivalent (FTE): 17,999
Enrollment by program area
- 61%
- Transfer
- 23%
- Career Tech
- 7%
- Pre-College
- 5%
- 3%
- Community Ed
Students by delivery method
- 43%
- On campus
- 32%
- Remote
- 25%
- Web
Enrollment intensity
- 39%
- Full-time credit students
- 61%
- Part-time credit students
Gender – Credit Students
- 53%
- Female
- 41%
- Male
- 5%
- Nonbinary
- 2%
- Unreported
Ethnic backgrounds
- 52%
- White
- 19%
- Hispanic / Latino
- 8%
- Asian
- 8%
- Unreported
- 6%
- Multi-racial
- 5%
- Black / African American
- 1%
- Native American / Alaskan
- 1%
- International
- 1%
- Pacific Islander
Credentials awarded
- Degrees: 2,920
- Certificates: 1,612
- Credit students:
- Less than 25 years: 56%
- Average age: 26 years
- Non-credit students:
- Less than 25 years: 13%
- Average age: 44 years
Pell Grant recipients
31% of credit students
Student transfers to universities
An estimated 5,600 per year