Collection and reporting of data on student-parents

In accordance with Senate Bill 564, community colleges governed under ORS 341, public universities listed in ORS 352.002, and Oregon Health and Science University shall annually collect, update, report, and retain student-submitted information that identifies whether a student is a parent, a person acting as a parent, or a legal guardian. Institutions shall place two questions on one or more forms that are used on an annual basis to collect demographic data from students. Institutions shall report this data to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission in their regular data submissions each year.

Collection of this information is confidential and optional. Students do not have to provide this information and general college departments and staff will not be able to see your answers. Information provided on this survey will not be shared outside of our required reporting compliance.

Survey questions

Question 1:?Are you a parent, are you serving as a parent, or are you a legal guardian of a child/children while you are enrolled at PCC?

  • No, I am not a parent, serving as a parent, nor a legal guardian.
  • Yes, I am a solo/single parent or guardian.
  • Yes, I am a parent/guardian and share parenting responsibilities with someone who lives with me.
  • Yes, I am a parent/guardian and share parenting responsibilities with someone who does not live with me.
  • Yes, I am a parent/guardian and share parenting responsibilities with – both – someone who lives with me and someone else who does not live with me.

Question 2: If yes, which of the following statements apply to you? Please check all that apply.

  • I have a child(ren) who are birth to 12 months, or I am expecting a baby.
  • I have a child(ren) who are 13 months – 5 years old.
  • I have a child(ren) who are age 6-11 years old.
  • I have a child(ren) who are age 12-17 years old.
  • I don’t have any children in the above age groups.

Who is surveyed?

All students at PCC, except those enrolled exclusively in noncredit, non-reimbursable courses, are requested to complete the survey.

When and where will this information be collected?

An email containing the survey is sent annually to all enrolled students, with the exception noted above.

Who has access to this information?

Collection of this information is confidential and optional. General college departments and staff will not be able to see responses. Information provided on this survey will not be shared outside of our required reporting compliance.