
MathFest is back at the Sylvania Campus on Saturday, April 27 from 8:30am-12pm.

MathFest is a free event held every spring for high school and middle school students in the Portland metro area. Participants can win t-shirts and other PCC prizes. In the past, this event has served as a qualifier for the Oregon Invitational Mathematics Tournament (OIMT), but unfortunately, that event has been canceled for 2024.


  • 8:30-9am: Registration
  • 9-10am: Session 1
  • 10:10-11:10am: Session 2
  • 11:20am-12pm: Awards ceremony (with snacks)

Both sessions will offer the same 4 options for students to choose from:

  • Station mazes: Find your way through a “maze” of math problems. There will be a maze set up for each skill level.
  • Math Bingo: A team puzzle-solving challenge. Be the first to complete a row, column, or diagonal line of puzzles!
  • Rocket launching competition: Build rockets and launchers out of household items as a team and compete against other teams.
  • Math Medley: Learn a cool trick for doing multiplication on your fingers, participate in a fun activity exploring the classification of shapes with topology, and get introduced to the game Set.

All options offer opportunities?to win cool prizes!

Information for schools

Information about the event, including registration, test locations, and exam scores, is sent by email to the contacts for each school. Email communication begins during Fall term of the previous year and extends until the event itself in Spring term of the event year. School contacts are responsible for relaying information to MathFest participants and their parents.

Preregistration is vital to the success of this event. Preregistration numbers are used to coordinate event space, exams, awards, snacks, and PCC prizes. Please register your school and participants with this year’s MathFest Liaison, Jeff Lacks.

Information for parents

Parents and teachers are welcome at this event. Please contact your child’s math teacher for more detailed registration information.

Oregon Invitational Math Tournament (OIMT)

The OIMT has been cancelled for 2024.