Portland Community College Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon

Academic Policy Handbook ARCHIVE


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Portland Community College is open to any member of the PCC district who can benefit from the instruction offered.? Students who are not making satisfactory academic progress will be provided with counseling, academic advising and instruction.? These services will be aimed at maximizing opportunities for students to benefit from their learning experience at PCC.

Any individual may be denied admission or continued admission if the appropriate college procedure indicates that the individual cannot benefit from the instruction desired.? The procedure may be based on, but not limited to, an evaluation of educational experiences, work history, or appropriate testing.


  1. Students enrolling for an associate degree, certificate, or diploma must achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress.? This means that each term a student must:

    • earn a minimum quarterly 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA).
  2. Students failing to achieve satisfactory progress shall be assisted by student development staff or professional/technical program faculty.? Progress interventions will be as follows:

    (a) Academic Alert
    At the end of the first term of unsatisfactory progress, students will be notified that they are in academic alert status.? They are strongly encouraged to seek assistance to prevent a recurrence of the problem.
    (b) Academic Probation
    At the end of the second consecutive term of unsatisfactory progress, students will be notified that they have been placed on academic probationary status.? They will not be allowed to register without the permission of an academic advisor, counselor, or program faculty.
    (c) Academic Suspension
    At the end of the third consecutive term of unsatisfactory progress, students will be notified that they are suspended from the institution for one year.
    Students may Appeal their academic suspension by meeting with a program faculty, academic advisor, or counselor; developing an academic plan; and writing a letter of appeal to the campus Dean of Student 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment office.
  3. In addition, students are expected to complete at least half of all credits attempted.? Currently enrolled, degree-seeking students who:? a) attempted 24 or more credits during the previous academic year? and ?b) failed to complete 50% of those credits will be identified annually.? Those students will receive information about college resources and assistance from the Deans of Student 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment.? No sanctions will be imposed.