Meet Our Team

Mexican woman with brown hair, a white hat, white shirt and vest, and grey pants standing in front of a Mayan pyramid.

Darlene Munoz (she/ella), Bilingual Confidential Advocate

A little about me: I have been doing advocacy work for roughly 8 years, and my focus has been around social justice. A lot of my background work is working directly with youth impacted by the juvenile justice system. I have served in different capacities such as in, juvenile hall, alternative schools, hospital response and community partnership. I have now been at PCC for 6 months and it is beautiful to be able to walk alongside with survivors and uplift their voices and continue to empower them as they are experts of their own lives. What I love the most is that I can continue to do this work in my language and can expand services to our Latinx peers at PCC!

Outside of work:?I love connecting with nature, in particular with water. It’s extremely healing and recharging. I am a summer baby, so I might be bias, but I love the summer and going swimming!

Primary location: Rock Creek Campus. I can?be reached at 971-244-3907 (call or text) or via email at

White woman with long brown hair, green eyes, gold hoop earrings, and a black sweatshirt that reads "believe survivors"

Hayley Hayes (she/her), Confidential Advocate

A little about me: I have been in the advocacy field for about 8 years and have had the privilege to work alongside survivors primarily in community-based settings through 24/7 emergency shelter, crisis lines, and hospital response before coming to PCC. Working with survivors, their kids, and pets and being able to witness first-hand their resilience, creativity, humor, and love has continually solidified my passion for this work! Recognizing that people are the expert in their own lives is essential to my advocacy philosophy, and I am constantly learning from those I work with about how to be the best advocate I can. We can all use support sometimes, and being able to provide that to our students is an honor.

Outside of work: On any given day you can find me playing futsal, cooking, walking my pit-mix Kylo, enjoying summer time (or waiting for it to be summer time!), and being near/in water.

Primary Location: Cascade Campus. I can be reached at 503-619-7041 (text or call) or via email at

White woman with short brown hair and blue eyes, smiling.

Caroline Bartlett (she/her), Program Director

A little about me: I have been in the anti-violence field for 17 years and have served survivors of relationship violence, family violence, sexual assault, and stalking on crisis lines, at a community non-profit, at an emergency shelter, and in navigating the criminal/legal system. Survivors are some of the strongest and most inspirational people that I have met and I have been deeply honored to walk beside them in their journeys as they navigate safety concerns, fear, loss, and systems that sometimes cause more harm than good. I am committed to supporting survivors in leading our work together and being the experts in their own lives. To my work here at PCC, I bring a passion to shift culture that allows violence to flourish and to help create a culture of care where students are heard, validated, and receive the support that they are seeking. I am so excited by the wisdom, energy, and passion of PCC students to make changes in our environment that supports our community to thrive.

Outside of work: I love to walk, be in nature, listen to music and rock climb. These give me outlets to turn my brain off, move my body, and help me balance being a working mom. I also love to cook and feed my family nourishing tasty foods.

Primary Location: Remote, but I come to any given campus regularly. I can be reached at 971-722-5633 or via email at


Stay tuned! We are currently hiring a new staff member to lead our prevention efforts.