Why can’t I find the information I need on this site?

Updated October 20, 2022

Ask the Panther has been developed to address the most commonly asked questions student have.? There could be a number of reasons for not finding the answer you need using?the Ask the Panther.

  1. If you are receiving too many results from your searches try the following to reduce the list:
    • choose an appropriate?Category before searching.
    • reduce the number of?search words in the Search box.
    • try different words that might be associated with the answer you need.
  2. The system primarily contains information for current and prospective students, not PCC faculty and staff.
  3. Information related to specific courses is not provided in the knowledgebase. This system primarily addresses administrative and general questions about the College. For course specific information, go to www.pcc.edu/schedule or contact the instructor for the course.
  4. If you do not find any entries for your search either the information you need is not in the system yet or the words you are using for the search are not associated with that information. Try different search words that might be associated with the answer.

If the previous options do not provide a satisfactory resolution to your question then visit or?search the?College website at?www.pcc.edu or contact one of the following: