What can I buy at the bookstore with my financial aid?

Updated October 24, 2022

You may charge essential books and supplies. You may not charge general merchandise or other items not required for classes. be aware that computer costs usually exceed your allowance and are not usually considered a “required supply.”

The maximum bookstore charging allowance is $550 per term.?To charge at the bookstore, you must have sufficient financial aid awarded to cover tuition, fees and bookstore charges. If your aid doesn’t cover tuition and fees, then, any bookstore charges become part of your account balance. You will be responsible for paying this amount. To check your account balance:

  1. Go to the?MyPCC, click the Paying for College tab.
  2. View balance in the My Account channel.
    • Links to payment options and information will appear below your balance.

Visit?Charging Your Books to Financial Aid?to learn more.