Distance Education

Where do I purchase books for online classes?
Textbooks for online courses can be purchased in person?at the Sylvania Campus Bookstore or online?using the PCC Bookstore website. If […]
What kinds of services can I access through online tutoring?
All currently enrolled credit-level PCC students will have access to free online professional tutoring services through eTutoring. Services available through […]
What kind of degrees or certificates can I earn through PCC online classes?
You can complete most or all of the requirements for several degrees and certificates offered by PCC through online classes. […]
How much do online classes cost?
Tuition for online classes is the same as tuition for on-campus credit classes, but there is an additional distance learning […]
I submitted a quiz for my online class but I do not see the score online. When will my score be available?
Your instructor decides when the score is made available and you should ask them will be posted. If your instructor […]
How do I log in to my online non-credit course?
Non-credit courses are offered by the Community Education department and use a separate website for login. You can contact Community […]
How do I register for an online class?
Students who are taking their first online class at PCC are required to complete the Online Start Guide. The Start […]
How do I log in to my online class?
The login for D2L Brightspace is integrated into MyPCC; meaning you simply have to log into MyPCC to access your […]
Can I register for an online classes after the class starts?
Once classes begin, late registration is in effect. You will need to contact the instructor by email to get their […]
How do I turn off my firewall?
Instructions for modifying your firewall configuration will differ depending on several variables, including the operating system and security software installed. […]