
Does PCC automatically know if I’m done with my certificate/degree?
Yes, students at Portland Community College will receive degrees or certificates upon completion of requirements for the student’s recorded program […]
Do “D” grades earned at PCC count toward my degree or certificate?
In many cases coursework completed with a grade of “D” will still count toward your degree or certificate. However, specific […]
How do I know if I am on the Honor’s List?
The College will recognize academic excellence in students who have earned a 3.25 or higher GPA in a given term […]
How can I view the status of my graduation application?
In most cases, students at Portland Community College will automatically be awarded degrees and/or certificates upon completion of requirements for […]
When is the graduation ceremony?
The graduation ceremony information will be posted on the?Commencement site each year.
I have failed a class twice. Am I allowed to take it a third time at PCC?
At PCC, the Academic Regulations state you may re-take a course in which you earn a letter grade of D […]
How can I get extra tickets for my family and friends to attend my graduation?
Tickets are not required for the graduation ceremony. Invite as many people as you want. For more information visit
Can I attend the PCC graduation ceremony?
Anyone can attend the ceremony. If you want to participate/walk in the ceremony you will need to have met your […]
My name has changed. How can I update my records with PCC?
To have your name changed, you will need to submit: A Student Records Change of Information form to any PCC […]
When will I receive my diploma?
You will receive your diploma in the mail approximately 6-8 weeks after the term has ended.? If you need proof […]