Health Admissions

Do I have to be finished with my prerequisites to apply to Dental Hygiene?
Yes. All prerequisites must be completed by the end of the winter term before the application deadline. If you plan […]
Can I take some non-nursing courses before I am admitted to the Nursing Program?
Yes. Some courses may be completed before beginning the nursing program, including Technical Writing. Please meet with a health admissions […]
Is a Nursing Assistant Certification (CNA) required to get into the PCC Nursing program?
No. A CNA license is not required to apply or be admitted to PCC’s Nursing program. However, additional points may […]
What are the hours of the Nursing program?
Typically we tell students to plan for Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm.
Does PCC offer CNA training?
CNA training at PCC is offered through the CLIMB Center for Advancement. The CLIMB Center for Advancement is located at […]
Does PCC have an LPN program?
PCC does not offer an LPN program. There is a LPN program at Rogue Community College. Fewer schools are offering […]
How many students apply to the Nursing program, and how many are admitted?
PCC’s Nursing program is highly competitive. There is no way to know how many applicants we will have from year […]
Can I get a Bachelor Degree in Nursing after I get my Associate in Nursing?
PCC Nursing program is a member of The Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education (OCNE). OCNE allows students accepted into the […]
Can I use my placement test scores to substitute for taking a course in the Nursing program?
For admissions purposes, placement results may only be used to update or substitute the nursing program’s Math 95 requirement. If […]
Can I send official transcripts with my Nursing application, or does the college I attended have to send them?
PCC uses an independent organization for online application processing called the?Nursing Centralized Application Service (NCAS). Transcripts from all institutions, including […]