Student Records

Do my grading options impact my student record and my financial aid?
Yes. Financial aid will not cover an Audit (AUD). Also, there is a limit to the number of Pass (P) […]
How are In-Progress courses used to create my GRAD Plan audit?
Courses you are currently taking or have registered for in a future term are included in your GRAD Plan degree […]
Is my GRAD Plan degree audit the same as my PCC transcript?
No. Your PCC transcript is arranged by terms and is the final and official documentation of your academic record at […]
My advisor told me that a course I took would be substituted or waived for a requirement. Why doesn’t this information appear in my audit?
Speak to an Academic Advisor and be sure that the official course substitution or waiver form has been properly submitted […]
Will I find out if I got into a class from a waitlist?
Yes, if you are added from a waitlist, you’ll receive an email in your PCC email account. If you are […]
If I started a sequence with a 3-credit class, can I continue the sequence even though the remaining courses in the sequence are now 4-credits?
Yes, unless specifically noted by a department, students may continue on in a sequence even though they may have taken […]
If I took a class for 3-credits at PCC and it is now offered for 4-credits, can I still use the 3-credit class as a prerequisite to get into another course?
Yes, PCC will honor prerequisites that were taken as 3-credits, even though the new version of the course is now […]
How do I dispute a grade?
An instructor’s expectations for grading, attendance, participation, and assignments are supposed to be outlined in the course syllabus.? Students have […]
What is a validation sticker and do I need one?
A validation sticker on your student ID card is used to verify that you are enrolled for a specific term. […]
Where is the grading guidelines policy listed?
You can find the Grading Guidelines policy in the academic catalog.