Student Records

Do ‘D’ grades earned at another school transfer to PCC?
It is possible for a “D” grade from another school to transfer to PCC and count towards a degree. Although […]
What is CIPR?
CIPR stands for Course in Progress, Re-Register. This mark is used only for designated classes. To receive credit, students must […]
How do I know if I am on the Honor’s List?
The College will recognize academic excellence in students who have earned a 3.25 or higher GPA in a given term […]
Is it true that most courses have prerequisites?
Yes. In fall 2008, PCC?started?enforcing standard prerequisites for reading, writing, and mathematics. Many courses will require that you have all, […]
What is my Student ID number or G number?
Your Student ID number is a unique, randomly generated identification number that starts with the letter “G”. To find this […]
How do I view my grades online?
To view your final grades: Log into MyPCC. Click the My Courses tab. Click on Grades under the View My […]
How can I provide my Social Security or Tax ID Number to PCC?
To provide PCC with your Social Security/ Tax ID Number, Go to the?MyPCC Home tab. Click?My Records in the Quick […]
I have a previous degree. Why does my GRAD Plan audit show that I need Writing, Math, or Reading competency?
You need to have your transcripts evaluated by PCC Student Records in order for it to show on your degree […]
I have failed a class twice. Am I allowed to take it a third time at PCC?
At PCC, the Academic Regulations state you may re-take a course in which you earn a letter grade of D […]
Can I register for a waitlist if I would exceed the maximum credit hours when allowed into that class?
No. While the system might allow you to be on a waitlist initially, you will never be moved into the […]