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Showing results for "major degree":

Where can I find out what classes I need to take for my degree or major?
You can find your specific PCC degree/major requirements within PCC’s online degree audit system, GRAD Plan.? GRAD plan can be […]
Do I have to know my major before I transfer to a four year school?
You don’t have to, but it is in your best interest to have an idea. Most colleges require that you […]
How do I know what classes I need for a degree?
One way to find out about PCC degree requirements is to view our online catalog. To use the catalog you […]
Where do I go for help with choosing a major or career?
Assistance with choosing a major or career is available through?many different?options. Contact the Counseling Department at your campus to schedule […]
Does PCC automatically know if I’m done with my certificate/degree?
Yes, students at Portland Community College will receive degrees or certificates upon completion of requirements for the student’s recorded program […]
What is the difference between an Associate of Art Oregon Transfer, Associate of Science, and Associate of General Studies Degree?
Essentially they are degrees that students designed to transfer to a four year college or university. Because each degree is […]
What is the difference between a counselor and an academic advisor?
A Counselor can help you with: personal/educational issues, study skills, time management, test anxiety, special accommodations, selecting classes to take, […]
I have a bachelor’s degree. Why do I need to file a Credit Limit Appeal?
If you have already earned a bachelor’s degree, you will have to file a Credit Limit Appeal (formerly known as […]
How can I change my status from non-credit to credit or degree-seeking?
You will need to make this change with our Enrollment Services office. You can go to any?Enrollment Services office location […]
There was a change on my student record. When will it appear in my GRAD Plan?
The database is updated each night so changes will appear the next business day. If you change your degree, certificate, […]