Board meetings

Agendas will be posted one week prior to the board meeting.

In order for an item to be considered for the agenda…

  • Be received no later than 5pm on the agenda deadline date.
  • Resolutions to the Board Executive Coordinator must be approved and submitted by the supervising executive of the department or program. Visit the organizational guide for department contact information.
  • Saved in the required format as a Microsoft Word file.
  • For a template of the resolution format, please contact Jennifer Hamlin at? 971-722-7268.

Board information

  • To be added to the public notice email list for PCC Board meetings, please send an email to, with “Board meeting notice request” in the subject line.
  • The meeting minutes posted are not official records. For an official copy of the PCC Board of Directors minutes, please contact the Executive Coordinator.

Public comment

Requests must be submitted by 5pm on the day prior to the meeting due to technical details that need to be arranged. Submit your request ?

Public comment times are posted in the agenda of each meeting. Comment times could happen earlier, depending on the flow of the meeting – please be available up to 15 minutes prior. On the flip side, we ask for your patience if we are behind schedule.

Speakers will have up to three minutes to speak, but could be limited to less time at the discretion of the Chair.

On the morning of the meeting, you will receive an email with directions on how to proceed with your public comment. This email will include the call options, the process, and directions on how the process will flow. You will need to access the meeting via the Zoom link or the dial-in option.

Next meeting

Schedule of 2024-2025 meetings

Meeting schedule, agendas, and minutes for 2024-2025 meetings
Meeting date Meeting type Location Materials
Thurs, July 18 Business Meeting Sylvania Agenda: July 18, Minutes: July 18
Fri, July 26 Board Retreat Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue Agenda: July 26
Thurs, Aug 15 Business?Meeting Sylvania Agenda: Aug 15
Thurs, Sept 19 Business Meeting Sylvania Agenda: Sept 19
Thurs, Oct 17
Thurs, Nov 21
Thurs, Jan 16
Thurs, Feb 20
Thurs, Mar 20
Thurs, April 17
Thurs, May 15
Thurs, June 19

Looking for past meetings? See the meetings archive.