BP 2210 – Officers and Roles of the Board

The Board of Directors of the Portland Community College district shall elect one of its members as Chairperson and another as Vice Chairperson at its annual organizational meeting in July. The President of Portland Community College shall serve ex-officio as Executive Officer of the Board. The President may appoint a deputy to assist in that role.

Duties of Chairperson of the Board

  • Preside at all meetings of the Board
  • Call emergency and special meetings in accordance with law
  • Consult with the President and other board members on meeting agendas
  • Communicate with individual Board of Directors members about their responsibilities
  • Manage requests for information from individual board members with the President
  • Appoint various board roles
  • Participate in the orientation process for new Board of Education members
  • Assure Board of Directors compliance with policies on Board of Directors member education, self-evaluation, and evaluation of the president;
  • Represent the Board of Directors at official events or ensure Board of Directors representation
  • Sign the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Board, and such other documents as may be required by law

Duties of Vice Chairperson of the Board

  • Preside at Board meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.
  • Fill other duties of the Chairperson as needed.

Additional Board Roles

  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 timeline and process for evaluations and/or assessments of:
    • President
    • Student Board Member Position
    • Board
  • With support from the Executive Coordinator assist in developing the Annual Strategic Calendar for the Board of Directors
  • Work with the Chair and Vice Chair to track the implementation of board goals
  • Monitor the budget and expenditures of the board
OCCA Representative
  • Serve as a board member of the 34-member OCCA Board
  • Be prepared for and attend OCCA Board Meetings
  • Advocate on behalf of all community colleges
  • Provide OCCA updates at PCC board meetings
  • Bring the perspective of their member college’s issues of statewide concern to the Association and the Board of Directors
  • Play an active role in the activities of the OCCA Board of Directors
  • Actively engaging their fellow district board in supporting and promoting Association goals and priorities
Audit Representative(s)
  • Serves as the Chair of the Audit Committee
  • Reviews the effectiveness of the internal audit function and provides input into the Internal Audit Director’s performance assessment
  • Provides input into the selection of the external auditor
  • Reviews, evaluates, and interviews candidates for the community member who sits on the Audit Committee
  • Hears and comments on the annual audit plans as proposed by the external auditor and the Internal Audit Director
  • Provides feedback as to particular areas of focus for upcoming audit activity
  • Reviews and comments on the various reports for PCC financials and internal and external audits
  • Reports on Audit Committee meetings at regularly scheduled meetings of the Board as a whole
  • Report to the Board the Audit Committee’s opinions regarding the College’s response to audit results
Foundation Representative(s)
  • As an ex-officio Member of the PCC Foundation Board, serve as an information liaison between the Foundation Board and College Directors
  • Advocate internally and externally for support of the Foundation
  • Attend bi-monthly PCC Foundation board meetings and the annual retreat

The Board of Directors does not have an official system of rotation of officers; it elects the officers each year from among all its members.

(October 2020)

ORS 341.283

This policy replaces B202 Board Operations and Bylaws: Duties of Chairperson of the Board and Duties of the Vice Chairperson.