June 2020 update
A few highlights of the last two months’ progress include:
- The exercise equipment from the HT 02 and HT 08 rooms was successfully moved to the HT Gym to enable use during HT construction.
- The layout for Biology in the ST building reached an agreement after a thoughtful and participatory process.
- All spaces that will be impacted as a consequence of the renovation were identified and the first outreach with these stakeholders was launched.
- The program distribution in the renovated HT building became final.
- The team undertook a cost exercise based on the preliminary set of plans (schematic design phase).
The cost exercise will continue to help the project team determine programming and what can be incorporated into the HT building. The HT renovation uses target value design (TVD) and brought the contractor team on board early in the process. This allows for programming, scope, design, and construction decisions to be informed by their costs throughout the design process. The stakeholder comments compiled are being reviewed and potentially incorporated into the design as the project is moving through the design development phase toward construction documents.
In addition to furthering design with Nursing, Medical Imaging, and Biology programs, the team remotely engaged with Architecture and Interior Design, Food and Nutrition, Physical Education, Exercise Science, Athletic Facilities, and Community Education. Each of these groups’ design needs are being clarified and the design is progressing on schedule. These groups will be reengaged in the coming months to further refine the designs for their spaces.
Permanent moves and swing space design
The design for the relocated Medical Imaging space in the basement of HT is in the design development (2nd of 3 phases of design). Users have heavily engaged in the process to finalize these plans.
The floor plans for Biology labs and offices relocating permanently to the ST building are advancing to design development, as well. These plans follow an agreed layout that works for all the various Biology programs. The design will continue through the summer months.
The team made significant progress during May in holistically reviewing all the spaces in Sylvania Campus that will be affected by the HT renovation. This major renovation will require the entire east side of the building to move out of the HT building while construction takes place. The renovation will also add to programs and services alignment across the campus. Our team is excited to report that most of the improvements planned by these relocations will be permanent investments in Sylvania’s facilities. Mapping these spaces and identifying the stakeholders for all projects are important milestones, which were achieved by a demonstration of true leadership, commitment to PCC’s mission, teamwork, and focus on long-lasting solutions by all the programs that make Sylvania Campus.
During May and June, initial communication went to the stakeholders for all swing projects, alerting them of the process and timeline. During the summer, the project team will gather initial information for these spaces from stakeholder groups. Plans will be developed and confirmed by the users of these areas, listed below.
- Advising staff relocation from SS to CC by late Fall 2020 (permanent move).
- Admissions and Recruitment and Enrollment Services relocation within CC by late Fall 2020 (permanent move).
- Math offices relocation from ST to SS by late Fall 2020 (permanent move).
- Math classrooms relocation from ST to SS, TCB, and SCB by late Fall 2020 (permanent move).
- 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网mental Education faculty relocation from SS to CT by late Fall 2020 (permanent move).
- Engineering offices relocation from ST to TCB by late Fall 2020 (permanent move).
- STEM Tutoring Lab relocation from Heat Plant to Library 138 by Spring 2021 (permanent move).
- Library 138 to SS 202 by Spring 2021 (permanent move).
- Music classroom and practice rooms relocation from HT to CT by Summer 2021 (permanent move).
- Nursing office swing to Library by Summer 2021 (temporary move).
- Nursing Skills Lab swing to Heat Plant by Summer 2021 (temporary move).
HT design
Users’ comments are helping to inform the design by providing more specificity to desired building systems and their performance, as well as addressing security, circulation, and access considerations. The plan includes restrooms on all levels of the building. Below is the HT building program distribution.
- Level 0: Medical Imaging and current IT offices
- Level 1: Pool, locker rooms, Physical Education and Dance, and Exercise Science
- Level 2: Nursing program, office suite, general-purpose classrooms, and collaboration areas
- Level 3: General purpose classrooms, Architecture and Interior Design, and collaboration areas
The layout of a consolidated office suite for the programs in the renovated HT building is another important design decision. While the plans currently show just an open area for this consolidated office suite, this space will be designed further to meet the needs and concerns of the new users through a series of engagement design meetings.
A shared office suite has several advantages that made this a viable option for the HT renovation. First, the consolidated office suite will be a centralized point for students to connect with faculty and programs. This arrangement will provide greater student access to support services because of the overlapping work hours of support staff. This positive effect on operations and student services has been highly valued. Second, users of the space will benefit from the efficiencies of shared assets such as meeting rooms, storage, office equipment, and building systems. Third, the consolidated office suites also allow for the other programs and use of the building to gain more square footage by avoiding redundancies.