January 2021 update

Progress highlights over the last two months for the HT project are outlined below.

  • Modular units in P12 were equipped for operations.
  • Smaller enabling projects in various buildings on campus were complete.
  • Construction started in the Biology department areas in the ST building.
  • Construction started on the Medical Imaging spaces in the basement of the HT building.
  • Forty students participated in virtual student focus groups for the renovation that covered topics such as interiors, collaboration, and study areas.
  • User engagement occurred for the Nursing, Exercise Science, Dance, Physical Education, and Music programs.

Permanent moves and temporary swing space design

During December 2020 and January 2021, the project team refined plans for permanent and temporary moves, managed a number of smaller-scale construction projects that will enable programs to move out of the HT east side during the main construction, and coordinated the relocation of several areas.

Design of the teaching spaces advanced for the Music and Nursing programs. The Music rooms that currently reside in the HT building will be permanently relocated to the CT building. This move will not only bring the Music program together under one building, but it will also update the teaching areas. Some of the main considerations for the renovated Music rooms are improved accessibility, acoustics, noise outward control, and storage. In addition, the design for the temporary swing spaces for Nursing continued to progress. The plans for the Nursing skills laboratory in the heat plant (HP) building were finalized in January. The design of the Nursing offices in the Library is still evolving. User engagement helped refine these plans.

Several of the enabling projects reached completion as planned:

  • Architecture and Interior Design classrooms and offices were moved to the modular units.
  • A general-purpose classroom and computer lab were set as part of the modular units.
  • Engineering offices moved from ST to the TCB building.
  • Math offices moved from ST to the SS building.
  • Math classrooms were relocated from ST to SS, TCB, and SCB.
  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网mental Education faculty were relocated from SS to CT.
  • Health Studies was moved from HT to the SS building.
  • Advising staff area and the Admissions and Recruitment and Enrollment Services moved to their remodeled spaces in the CC building.
  • Business Administration offices were relocated within SS to their newly built workstations.

There has been extensive remote coordination for all the moves described above. Staff items were carefully packed and successfully moved to their new locations. Staff will be able to unpack belongings when they are allowed on campus.

Two important milestones for the project occurred: the beginning of construction for the Biology labs and offices in ST, which started in January, and the Medical Imaging teaching areas in the basement of HT, which was kicked off in December. Medical Imaging is anticipated to be finished by Summer 2021 and the Biology renovation will be completed prior to Fall 2021.

HT design

The team reviewed and incorporated the comments received from the different stakeholder reviews to the extent that was possible. The project team also spent significant time balancing the budget for each scope of the project. Some elements of the design were prioritized to meet the current budget.

The team was considering a large multi-propose room on level 1 of the HT building. This potential use was presented in a few stakeholder meetings. Although meetings attendees seemed agreeable to the need for a large meeting space in Sylvania, other operational and programmatic needs have taken priority. The large multi-propose room on level 1 has been removed from the current plans for the HT renovation. Given this change, the project team started work on developing plans for Exercise Science, Physical Education, and Dance to occupy most of the remodeled HT level 1.

The project team continued their conversations on sustainability goals and actions for the project. These items are being tracked and will be turned in as part of the LEED certification sought for the project. The team is exploring the possibility of applying for LEED Well or LEED Fit Well certifications.

The project is developing the interior plans and considering materials, finishes, and furniture layouts for the renovated areas. In addition to internal meetings, other stakeholder groups, including student focus groups, have helped guide the development of the interiors. During January and early February, Nursing, Physical Education and Exercise Science students reviewed the plans and provided feedback and ideas for the collaboration and study areas.