Do I qualify?

In order to be eligible for services provided by the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) under the guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Education, a student or their parent or legal guardian must have worked at least 75 days within the last two years in agriculture as a migrant or seasonal farm worker. This includes any activity directly related to the production of crops, dairy products, poultry, livestock, cultivation or harvesting of trees, fishery, nursery, and forestry work.


  • Have employment verification as a migrant or seasonal farm worker. (Affidavit)
  • Have High School diploma or GED?.
  • Be eligible to apply for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA).
  • Demonstrate financial need according to federal income guidelines. (Financial Eligibility Form)
  • Be in your first year of college studies.
  • Enroll in at least 12 credit hours at Portland Community College. (PCC Registration)
  • Have been eligible to participate in Chapter 1, Title 1 Migrant Education Program or The High School Equivalency Program (HEP) or WIA. (Further documentation will be needed)

Farm worker definitions

Work May Include Any activity directly related to the production of crops, dairy products, poultry, livestock, the cultivation or harvesting of trees, or any activity directly related to fish farms, packaging or canning of agricultural products. This includes work performed for wages or personal subsistence.

  • Migrant farm worker: A seasonal farm worker whose employment required travel that kept the farm worker from returning to a permanent home within the same day.
  • Seasonal farm worker: A person who was employed in farm work on a temporary or seasonal, not year-round basis.

Still not sure if you qualify?

Please contact Greg Contreras.

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