Job board

Panther works student job boardFind hundreds of job opportunities updated weekly. Employers see you, the college student or graduate as an excellent candidate for their full and part-time jobs. On the online job board, you can search for jobs and communicate with employers quickly and easily.

Beware of scams and fake job listings

Warning signs:

  • Too good to be true: high pay for little work, like “work from home” or “run your own business”
  • Unsolicited contact: getting an offer without applying
  • Payment requests: asking for money or bank details
  • Vague descriptions: listing is unclear or generic
  • Unprofessional: poor grammar, amateur email addresses

PCC’s Career Services can help with researching companies and avoiding scams. Request an appointment or visit the student job board in MyPCC.

  • View full and part-time jobs and internship listings
  • Post your resume for employers to review
  • Receive and respond to employer inquiries through email
  • Send your resume directly to employers
  • Review employers’ websites
  • Keep up-to-date with career-related activities

Using the job board

To use these services, you must have taken a credit course within the past two years or be a PCC graduate.

  1. Log in to MyPCC
  2. Click on the Paying for College tab
  3. Find the Need a Job channel and Check the student job board

Need help finding jobs?

Come see a?job coach: we can help you write resumes, practice interviewing, build confidence, and more.