CCOG for ABE 0782 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2016

Course Number:
ABE 0782
Course Title:
Fundamentals of Mathematics
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:

Course Description

Use whole numbers, fractions and decimals to write, manipulate, interpret and solve application and formula problems. Concepts will be introduces numerically, graphically, and symbolically, in oral and written form. Placement into RD 80 or higher. CASAS score of 221 or higher.

Intended Outcomes for the course

1. Creatively and confidently use mathematical and other problem solving strategies to formulate problems, to solve problems using multiple approaches, and to interpret results.

2. Meet the prerequisites for further math course work.

3. Choose and perform accurate arithmetic operations in a variety of situations with and without a calculator.

4. Present results numerically, symbolically, and graphically in written and oral form.

5. Estimate and compute personal needs relating to life skills through mathematics.

6. Solve problems and make decisions using multiple and effective strategies.

7. Continue life-long learning by participating in educational opportunities when possible.

8. Use the computer for appropriate software and internet activities

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Complete a post-test of math word problems using a calculator
  • Take COMPASS or ASSET test if college bound and place into Math 20
  • Take CASAS math pre and progress test and improve one level or pass the GED if not college bound
  • Pass at least one real-world application activity (Capstone)
  • Pass at least five in-class examinations - Whole numbers, fractions and decimals testing without calculator. No more than 50% of any test can be multiple choice
  • Complete at least two or more of the following measures: At least one written explanation of a mathematical concept, take-home examinations, Graded homework, Quizzes, Group projects, In-class activities, Attendance, Portfolios, Individual projects, Individual student conference, Service learning

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


  • Life (e.g. family and citizen) and employability (i.e. worker) planning
  • Life-long learning
  • Goal setting
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Team work


  • Time management (attendance and completing tasks)
  • Social skills (communication and diversity)


  • Confidence building
  • Communication styles
  • Employability attributes
  • Access to resources for students success
  • Math anxiety


1.0 Basic Arithmetic Facts

1.1 Solve numerical and application problems with whole numbers

1.2 Perform order of operations accurately using whole numbers

1.3 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 skills in estimation and number sense

1.4 Master fraction and decimal vocabulary

1.5 Solve numerical and application problems with fractions and decimals

1.6 Round a given number to a specified place

1.7 Arrange numbers in numerical order

1.8 Perform order of operations accurately using fractions and decimals

1.9 Determine whether a given whole number is prime or composite

1.10 Evaluate expressions containing exponents and square roots

1.11 Perform operations accurately using fractions, decimals, and percents

1.12 Solve application problems with fractions, decimals, and percents

1.13 Read and interpret data from bar, pictorial, line, circle graphs, tables, charts and various graphs

1.14 Find statistical measures such as median, mode, mean