CCOG for ABE 0787 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2016

Course Number:
ABE 0787
Course Title:
Foundations of Math II
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:

Course Description

欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网s an understanding of rational numbers (fractions, percents, decimals, ratio, and proportion), pre-algebra, algebra, statistics, geometry and measurements. Includes applications that involve whole numbers, decimals and fractions.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion, students should be able to:

  • Apply life experiences to identify a question or situation that can use a mathematical approach
  • Solve problems and make decisions using multiple and effective math strategies
  • Understand, interpret and work with concrete objects and symbolic representation (e.g. pictures, numbers, graphs, computer representations)
  • Utilize technology to solve a mathematical problem
  • Determine the degree of precision best suited to the situations
  • To be prepared for future math classes

Course Activities and Design


  • Apply a variety of mathematical concepts involving rational numbers.
  • Create equivalent representations of numbers up to a billion and to the nearest thousandths.
  • Recognize that a fraction can represent different ideas ( e.g. a ratio representing part: part, part: whole)

Find the probability of a single outcome in a simple concrete situation with a very limited
number of possible outcomes.

  • Describe how the simple probability of an event occurring is influenced by various factors.
  • Compare the likelihood of two uncertain outcomes using simple language.
  • Use proportional reasoning to solve a variety of problems, including percent increase or decreaseExplain ratios as equivalent forms of fractions

Read, write, interpret and apply common types of information related to measurement and geometry.

  • Recognize and use commonly used standard units of measure.
  • Make inference about the formulas for simple two-dimensional shapes.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the coordinate graph system, including ordered pairs.
  • Infer about the relationship between angles and sides n similar triangles.

Read, interpret and apply a variety of common symbolic information.

  • Recognize and develop repeating patterns and generalize the relationship with a table, rule, graph, or one?step formula.
  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 formulas and create simple linear graphs from tables.
  • Apply order of operations to evaluate expressions.
  • Solve multi?step equations by using number sense, properties of operations, and the idea of maintaining equality on both sides of an equation.

Read and interpret and pose questions with a variety of common data and statistical information.

  • Identify the shape, range, mean, median, and mode of sets of data.
  • Organize data and choose an appropriate representation.
  • Make inferences based on the data.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Apply common types of mathematical information and concepts to real-life and theoretical problems involving rational numbers.
  • Complete homework and/or computer-based assignments
  • Read and interpret common data and statistical information
  • Interpret and apply common patterns, functions and relationships using technology
  • Move up a level in the Math CASAS Post Test and pass a teacher generated post test

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Themes: Family, Citizen, Lifelong Learner, Worker
Concepts: goal setting, critical thinking, math vocabulary, decision making, confidence building, collaborative team work
Issues: barriers to student success, access to resources, communication skills, learning differences, test and school anxiety, employability, testing strategies, cultural awareness, motivation

  • Compute and apply skills with rational numbers
  • Understand, interpret and work with concrete objects and symbolic representations
  • Estimate to predict results and check to see if results are reasonable
  • Communicate reasoning and results in a variety of ways such as words, graphs, charts, tables and algebraic models.
  • Apply life experiences and knowledge of mathematical concepts, procedures, and technology to figure out how to answer a question. Solve a problem, make a prediction, or carry out a task that has mathematical dimension.