CCOG for ABE 0790 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2016

Course Number:
ABE 0790
Course Title:
Intermediate Integrated Reading and Writing
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:

Course Description

Integrates reading and writing skills to enhance critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis of information for understanding and effective communication. Prerequisite: CASAS Reading Placement 210-234

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion the student will be able to:

  • Use and understand the pre-writing and pre-reading strategies to identify, clarify, and or prepare for the purpose of any reading or writing activity.
  • Incorporate fluency and new vocabulary into daily and academic reading and writing.
  • Apply a range of strategies including activating prior knowledge and cultural understanding to monitor and enhance comprehension.
  • Utilize steps in the writing process and apply the appropriate English language conventions in daily and academic writing.
  • Apply critical thinking in written responses to a text or prompt.
  • Apply improved communication skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking).

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Complete CASAS Reading Test
  • Create Writing portfolios, including reflections, drafts that show evidence of editing and revising
  • Write paragraphs, short essays, letters, poems, journal entries
  • Graph Reading rate
  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 projects, presentations, and debates
  • Complete Reading with Understanding Diary
  • Assess Comprehension with quizzes, multiple choice questions, written response and discussion questions
  • Reading journal

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Themes: Family, Citizen, Lifelong Learner, Worker
Concepts :goal setting, critical thinking, decision making, confidence building, collaborative team work
Issues: barriers to student success, access to resources, communication skills, learning differences, test and school anxiety

  • Awareness of writing as a process
  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 writing content and style in a way that serves the purpose
  • Understand distinct English conventions
  • Appraise own writing skills and abilities and those of others through revision process
  • Revise written work from peer or instructor feedback
  • Summarize ideas in a text
  • Read regularly for own purposes
  • Identify, clarify, and/or prepare for reading purpose
  • Pronounce “on sight” words, and abbreviations found in simple and everyday texts related to areas of interest or study
  • Recognize “on sight” syllable patterns/types, root words, and affixes in common words
  • Acquire and apply meanings of words and phrases found in simple and everyday texts related to personal interest
  • Accurately read aloud text composed of simple, compound and short complex sentences with appropriate pacing, phrasing, and expression
  • Apply prior knowledge of the content and situation, including cultural understanding, to support comprehension
  • Use strategies in combination to pronounce and/or discern the meanings of unfamiliar words found in a simple text
  • Choose from a range of simple strategies and integrate them to monitor and/or enhance text comprehension
  • Locate, analyze, and critique stated implied information and/or ideas simple functional, informational, or persuasive text
  • Draw conclusions related to the common structural elements of a simple literary work
  • Identify, interpret and appreciate an author’s use of language and simple literary techniques
  • Connect people/characters, events, information, ideas, or themes presented in one text with those in other texts and/or in real life to address the reading purpose