CCOG for ART 119 archive revision 201402

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Effective Term:
Spring 2014 through Summer 2021

Course Number:
ART 119
Course Title:
Basic Design-4D Foundations
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces the basic principles of time, as it relates to the creative arts, which include the notion of occurrence and the episodic, duration, tempo, intensity, scope and context. Introduces concepts, processes and basic use of related tools and technology in preparation for continuing fine and design art work at the 200 level. Uses a broad range of materials, techniques and projects to engage concepts with reference to historical and contemporary perspectives. Basic Design series 115, 116, 117 and 119 may be taken in any sequence. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

Course may include demonstrations, slides, lectures, films, and field trips.
College level reading comprehension is necessary.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  1. Assess, evaluate, appreciate, respect and apply design and sources of design with increasing perceptual awareness and understanding in daily living.
  2. Apply the elements of time to visual and temporal problems with the use of a variety of composing and editing methods.
  3. Use basic vocabulary of time based concerns in critique of one’s own work and others in both written and oral form.
  4. Synthesize concepts of 4D design and their relationship to other foundation level areas of study and exploration.
  5. Create personally significant works of time based art, applying basic design concepts and techniques.
  6. 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 creative solutions to 4D design problems.

Integrative Learning

Students completing an associate degree at Portland Community College will be able to reflect on one’s work or competencies to make connections between course content and lived experience.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Students will:

  • Participate in studio work sessions, class discussions and critiques.
  • Create original visual solutions: from design concept through process to self-reflection and evaluation.
  • Observe and demonstrate understanding of the effect of visual elements and art principles evidenced through the design process, which may include journals/sketchbooks, tests, presentations, preliminary studies, design projects, and/or writing assignments.
  • Demonstrate increasing technical skill and innovation in the application of the design process.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  • Practice observation of visual relationships found in natural and manmade designs.
  • Demonstrate understanding and use of basic formal design concepts; elements and principles of time based art, as they apply to a variety of media and processes formats.
  • Time based processes may include, artist books, performance, digital media, ideo, sound, image capture, and site based concerns.
  • Understand and utilize aspects of perceptual, conceptual (imagining,experiencing, visualizing, symbolizing, playing) and expressive processes in creating time based works.
  • Discuss an understanding of historical and contemporary perspectives in the use of visual elements and time based art principles and their relationship to content and manifestation of ideas.
  • Unifying/ Organizing 4D Design Principles:
    • Concepts of time- duration, tempo, intensity, scope, setting, chronology and context.
    • Sequence- storyboarding, composition, seriality, repetition, generated, sampled and appropriated source material, etc.
    • Linear and non-linear compositional structures - flipbooks, framing, layering, continuity, loops, narrative constructs and juxtaposition.
    • Performance- the body in space, physical vs. image, point of view, mass, gravity, site, distance, impact and emphasis.
    • Video/sound- timelines, still and moving images, digital processes, sound as descriptive, associative and accidental.
    • Interdisciplinary Practice- the use of combined media in fine and design arts.