CCOG Courses in Computer Applications Systems archive

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Course Number Course Title
CAS 100A Computer Success Skills
CAS 101 Introduction to Website 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment & Design
CAS 103 Introduction to Windows
CAS 104 Basic Internet Skills
CAS 106 Introduction to HTML
CAS 109 Beginning PowerPoint
CAS 110 Introduction to Web Graphics
CAS 111D Beginning Website Creation: Dreamweaver
CAS 111E Beginning Website Creation: Expression Web
CAS 111W Beginning Website Design: WordPress
CAS 118 Beginning Photoshop
CAS 121 Beginning Keyboarding
CAS 121A Beginning Keyboarding
CAS 122 Keyboarding for Speed and Accuracy
CAS 123 Production Keyboarding
Professional Document Formatting
CAS 133 Basic Computer Skills/Microsoft Office
CAS 135 Keeping Your Computer Healthy
CAS 137 Basic Web Design Skills/Adobe
CAS 140 Beginning Access
CAS 150 Introduction to Speech Recognition
CAS 151 Microsoft Outlook
CAS 170 Beginning Excel
CAS 170A Beginning Excel
CAS 171 Intermediate Excel
CAS 175 Introduction to Flash
CAS 175E Intro Web Animation
CAS 175F Introduction to Animation: Flash
CAS 180 Search Engine Optimization-SEO
CAS 181 Web Site Creation using CMS - Content Management Systems
CAS 181D CMS Website Creation: Drupal
CAS 181J CMS Website Creation: Joomla
CAS 181W CMS Website Creation: WordPress
CAS 206 Principles of HTML
Principles of HTML and CSS
CAS 208 Beginning Photoshop for the Web
CAS 211W WordPress Customizations and Theme Building
CAS 213 JavaScript and JQuery for Designers
CAS 214 Beginning ColdFusion/CFML
CAS 215 Cascading Style Sheets - CSS
Intermediate CSS and Preprocessors
CAS 216 Beginning Word
CAS 216A Beginning Word
CAS 217 Intermediate Word
CAS 220 Project Management - Beginning MS Project
CAS 222 Integrated Website Design
Intermediate Website Creation
CAS 225 PHP and MySQL for Designers
CAS 231 Publisher
CAS 232 Desktop Publishing: InDesign
CAS 233 Beginning Illustrator
CAS 242 UX/UI Design for the Web
Web Workflow and Mockups
CAS 246 Integrated Computer Projects
CAS 265 Emerging Web Tools and Trends
CAS 275 Intermediate Flash
CAS 280W Cooperative Education: Web Site 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
CAS 285 Capstone for Website 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment/Design