CCOG for CG 280B archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Summer 2018

Course Number:
CG 280B
Course Title:
CE: Career 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment - Seminar
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

The Co-op seminar supplements the Co-op work experience by offering a flexible menu of assignments from which to select a variety of activities. Includes video tapes, selected readings, workshops, lectures and a variety of career related exercises to enhance career development. Department permission required. Co-requisite: CG 280A. Course may be repeated.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
1. Use work experience knowledge to make informed career choices.
2. 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 an effective job search plan and materials.
3. Articulate skills, aptitudes and experience relevant to workplace demands in job interviews.
4. Understand the demands of the workplace in order to successfully manage work related issues such as time management, stress management, and conflict

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Students will demonstrate these learning outcomes by completing assignments independently.

  1. Assess personal career development process in a reflective, written form. Students will draw on new knowledge or insights about personal competencies and characteristics and requirements for a particular career.
  2. Demonstrate research skills that include printed and electronic career information.
  3. Report on informational interview.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Competencies and Skills
The following list indicates the skills students will develop by completing assignments:

  1. Analyze self
  2. Organize information
  3. Research occupational/career information
  4. Think critically
  5. Reflect on own learning process
  6. Synthesize information
  7. Conduct informational interviews
  8. Problem-solve
  9. Make decisions
  10. Complete activities in a self-paced format.

Concepts, Themes, Issues
The contextualized networks of meaning students must understand in order to demonstrate the performance tasks and achieve the outcomes.

  1. Values Clarification
  2. Interests
  3. Skills/Abilities (Transferable, Adaptive, Task Specific)
  4. Personality Traits
  5. Barriers
  6. Attitudes
  7. Career Information