CCOG for CIS 121 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2015

Course Number:
CIS 121
Course Title:
Computer Concepts II
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers evaluation, selection and application of computer technology to solve practical problems in database design, web page design, networking and programming. Addresses ethical issues associated with technology. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

On completion of this course the student should be able to:

  • Apply logic, business rules and entity relationship diagrams to design databases.
  • Create web sites using latest HTML and CSS standards.
  • Design a basic home wireless network and office network while utilizing current wireless security.
  • Solve simple quantitative and qualitative problems using computer programming.
  • Install and manage operating systems and applications.
  • Weigh ethical issues related to technology including viruses, spyware, hacking and risk assessment.

Quantitative Reasoning

Students completing an associate degree at Portland Community College will be able to analyze questions or problems that impact the community and/or environment using quantitative information.

Course Activities and Design

  • Hardware
    • How data is represented in hardware
    • Number systems and coding schemes
  • Software
    • Operating Systems
      • Stand-alone, Network, Embedded
      • Shell, GUI and Command Line
      • Services
    • Spreadsheets
      • Numeric modeling and analysis
    • Database Management Systems
      • Data Models including Hierarchical, Network and Relational
      • Client-server vs. local Database Management Software (DBMS) applications
    • Integration of Productivity Software
    • Integrated 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Environments (IDE's)
    • Programming Languages
    • Markup Languages (XML)
    • Career-specific software
  • Society
    • Risks
      • Malware (viruses, spyware, hacking)
      • System failure
      • Security
  • Future/Trends of Computer Technology
    • Robotics/Automation
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Expert Systems
  • Integration
    • Introduction to Networks and Data Communications
      • Local Area Networks
      • Wide Area Networks
      • Network Security
      • Wireless
      • Home Networks
      • IP Protocols (FTP, HTTP)
    • Using the Internet Effectively
    • Enterprise Systems
      • Automation
      • Portals
      • Web Services
      • Virtual Private Networks (VPN's)
      • Enterprise Hardware
    • Concepts and Theoretical Models
      • Project Management

Outcome Assessment Strategies

In satisfying the assessments, students must demonstrate at least 3 of the following:

  • Service Learning
  • Contextual written tasks in or outside of class.
  • Written case study analysis.
  • Individual or team projects.
  • Presentations
  • Quizzes and/or examinations.
  • In-class interactive role-plays
  • Participation
  • Self-Assessment
  • Create installation, how it works or training material for some aspect of computer technology

Related Instruction

Hours: 16


  1. Analyze the elements of programs
  2. Design a small local area network
  3. Solve quantitative and qualitative problems using computer software.


Direct instruction (+ study time) in discipline-related computations involving Boolean algebra and arithmetic expression construction and
evaluation as applied in programming and networking.

November 2009