CCOG for CJA 254 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Summer 2015

Course Number:
CJA 254
Course Title:
Leading Police Resilience
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces a multi-disciplinary approach to managing the police-citizen encounter through enhancing personal, organizational and community resilience. Covers issues related to contemporary law enforcement culture, leadership and management, warrior ethos, ethics, personality, emotional and social intelligence, emotional regulation, stress management, and physical and mental fitness. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

Examines situations, issues and problems facing law enforcement ranging from traditional best practices and approaches to leadership, management and training of police officers. Covers organizational culture in American law enforcement as it relates to leadership, management, training and human sustainability on the job.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion students should be able to:1. Identify, analyze and manage criminal justice operations and critical encounters and incidentsthrough knowledge and skill improvement in collaboration, leadership, emotional and socialintelligence, stress management, human resiliency, relationships, professionalism and community building.2. Enhance quality police service by addressing institutional challenges with the latest approaches andpractices for improved officer performance, enhanced public relations and reduced citizen complaints.3. Practice contemporary relational leadership skills, internally and externally, that aid in more effective force response, to include reducing potential unnecessary use of force, and maximize potential for successful resolution in dynamic and rapidly evolving encounters.4. Improve individual resiliency through a developed personalized plan with an understanding of complex,holistic variables that contribute to occupational stress in the public safety industry.5. Understand and apply concepts of leading self, others and organizations as it relates to resilience.

Course Activities and Design

Activities may include but are not limited to:
? Classroom lecture
? Guest speakers
? Films and videos
? Role playing scenarios
? Group discussions

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Methods of assessment may include the following: examinations, quizzes, an assignment, research papers, class participation, role playing feedback, oral presentations and group activities.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

This course will familiarize students with topics that include but not limited to:
? History and communication in law enforcement
? Contemporary issues in policing strategies
? Criminal justice lifestyle assessment
? Emotional and social intelligence
? Mindfulness and policing
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? Marketing, branding and law enforcement officers