CCOG for CMET 213 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Summer 2017

Course Number:
CMET 213
Course Title:
Fluid Mechanics
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers properties, laws of fluid mechanics and energy relationships for incompressible fluids. Studies flow in closed conduits, including pressure loss, flow measurement, pipe sizing and pump selection. Includes open channel flow analysis. Recommended: CMET 131. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course


Course Activities and Design

Lectures, laboratory experiments or demonstrations, field trips, text, and reference books will be the primary instruction methods. A programm-able, scientific graphics calculator, as designated by the department is required. The student will be responsible for writing several computer programs to be used in solving assigned fluid problems. The student must complete and/or participate in all the above areas.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Student progress is measured by performance on homework and on objective examinations covering appropriate types of problems. Details
will be provided by the instructor at the initial class meeting.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have satisfactorily accomplished the goals and objectives listed in this course content guide. Course content guides are developed by college wide Subject Area Curriculum Committees and approved by management.

    1. Instructional Goal:
      1. To develop an understanding of the basic concepts of fluids at rest, and to provide methods for the application of these concepts to the engineering field.
    2. Objectives:
      1. Describe fundamental hydrostatics concepts and demonstrate engineering applications of hydrostatics.
      2. Present definitions and units encountered in hydrostatics.
      3. Describe fluid pressure and its measurement. Define the relationship between pressure and elevation. Demonstrate the use of manometers, barometers and other pressure measuring devices.
      4. Describe concepts for calculating forces on submerged plane areas. Apply these concepts to the general case of submerged plane areas.
      5. State the principles involved in analyzing buoyancy and stability.
    1. Instructional Goals:
      1. To develop an understanding of the general energy equation and its application to the flow of fluids.
    2. Objectives:
      1. Derive and use of the general energy equation for incompressible steady state flow.
      2. 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 the continuity equation for fluids.
      3. Define each term of the energy equation and explain the differences between ideal and real applications.
      4. Describe fluid properties such as density and viscosity and how these properties influence flow. Demonstrate the use of tables and graphs containing this data.
      5. Perform calculations that determine the Reynolds number, and differentiate between laminar and turbulent flow.
      6. Model velocity profiles of a fluid flowing in a conduit.
    1. Instructional Goals:
      1. To apply the energy equation, Darcy's equation, Hazen-Williams equation, and other empirical equations in solving closed conduit fluid flow problems.
    2. Objectives:
      1. Demonstrate methods involved in sizing pipelines and pumps.
      2. Calculate friction losses in laminar and turbulent flow.
      3. Present standard methods for calculating minor losses for valves and fittings.
      4. Calculate energy losses or additions in a given piping system.
      5. Determine the flow rate of a given piping system.
      6. Determine the minimum pipe size required for a given flow of liquids, vapors, or gases.
      7. Make calculations involving a two branch system.
      8. Describe the parameters involved in pump selection.  Demonstrate different types of pumps and their applications.  Calculate net positive suction head available for a given pumping situation.  Select pumps from the manufacturer's performance data.
    1. Instructional Goals:
      1. To understand non-pressurized flow of liquids in circular and noncircular channels and to apply empirical equations, including the Manning equation, to solving open channel flow problems.
    2. Objectives:
      1. Make calculations relating to size, geometry, slope, and construction of open channels.
      2. Determine sub critical, critical, and super critical flow velocities and depths.
      3. Design channels for steady state, uniform flow.
      4. Define nonuniform and non-steady state flow and describe the implication of these conditions on open channel flow.
    1. Instructional Goal:
      1. To determine flow rate of liquids and gases for both closed and open channel flow situations.
    2. Objectives:
      1. 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 an understanding of the need for flow measurement.
      2. Demonstrate the various types of flow measurement devices and the principles upon which they operate.
      3. Demonstrate different types of flow measuring devices such as variable head meters (obstruction), variable area meters, turbine flow meters, magnetic flow meters, velocity probes (pitot tube), wiers, and flumes.
      4. Perform calculations related to venturi tubes, orifice plates and flow nozzles. Use charts and graphs required in performing calculations for both liquids and gases.
      5. Make calculations related to velocity probes.
      6. Make calculations used in open channel flow measurement including those for wiers and flumes.
    1. Instructional Goal:
      1. To present the basic principles from dynamics that are used in determining forces due to fluids in motion.
    2. Objectives:
      1. Derive the force equations from Newton's second law. Calculate forces due to fluids in motion.
      2. Derive the momentum equation used in calculating forces required to change magnitude and/or direction of a fluid in motion.
      3. Determine forces on bends in pipe lines.
      4. Calculate external forces caused by free streams of fluid directed at stationary objects.
  7. FLUID POWER (Optional)
    1. Instructional Goal:
      1. To introduce a basic understanding of industrial fluid power components and circuits.
    2. Objectives:
      1. Describe the use of fluid power in industrial applications.
      2. Perform calculations and size motors and actuators.
      3. List symbols used in fluid power circuit design.
      4. Design fluid power circuits for given applications.