CCOG for DA 123 archive revision 201702

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Effective Term:
Spring 2017 through Summer 2019

Course Number:
DA 123
Course Title:
Dental Radiology II (Lab)
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Continues exploring the practice of radiographic techniques on manikins and clinic patients under direct supervision.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should:

  • Be prepared to sit for the Dental Assisting National Board Exam in Radiation Health and Safety.
  • Be prepared for Oregons's practical examination certification requirement by exposing and processing a FMX on a board patient in a safe and effective manner.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  1. Using diagrams and x-rays, locate and label normal anatomic landmarks.
  2. Complete regular workbook assignments, unit quizzes and final exam.
  3. Complete lab projects and a practical exam case.
  4. Complete lab projects and a BOARD practical exam case.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  • Biological effects of radiation
  • Normal radiographic landmarks
  • Exposure and processing errors
  • Recognizing restorations
  • Quality control
  • Image quality
  • Bisecting technique
  • Film holders
  • Introduction to identification of abnormalities
  • Automatic processing
  • PCC policy and Oregon rules
  • Extra-oral and panoramic radiography
  • Patient management
  • Legal requirements of record keeping
  • Application of knowledge and skills to patient care.


  1. Explain the biological effects of x-radiation on living tissue.
  2. Analyze the quality of radiographs relative to quality of the image and placement.
  3. Identify major oral landmarks on both intra- and extra- oral films.
  4. Troubleshoot exposure and processing errors and make appropriate corrections.
  5. Read and interpret dentist's x-ray orders.
  6. Explain Oregon Rules and Regulations and PCC policies and procedures as it applies to dental radiography.
  7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of bisecting, occlusal, panoramic and extra-oral radiographic techniques and use these techniques as appropriate.
  8. Discuss patient management considerations associated with medically compromised, disabled, elderly and very young patients.
  9. Identify and locate various abnormalities, lesions and types of dental work on radiograph at an introductory level.
  10. Discuss the legal implications in regard to record keeping, patient identification, ownership and referrals.
  11. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of film holding devices for taking periapical x-rays.
  12. Describe the uses, advantages and maintenance of the automatic processor and use it to process patient films.
  13. Place, expose, process and mount dental radiographs with increasing proficiency and efficiency on both manikins and patients.
  14. Demonstrate professional courtesy and standards when working with patients and co-workers.
  15. Maintain accurate and timely records of x-ray exposure in patients' charts.

Related Instruction

Hours: 3

Be prepared for Oregons's practical examination certification requirement by exposing and processing a FMX on a board patient in a safe and effective manner.

  • Document orally with an instructor.
  • Document in the patient chart according to industry standards.

Human Relations
Hours: 3

Be prepared for Oregons's practical examination certification requirement by exposing and processing a FMX on a board patient in a safe and effective manner.

  • Direct and indirect instruction on patient management techniques while performing radiograph exposures.
  • Work collaboratively with peers to evaluate and critique dental films.
  • Work collaboratively with peers during peer-to-peer placement of dental sensor in the oral cavity.

In addition, continue to build upon team concepts introduced in DA 111 and DA 121:

  • Describe the dental team and the importance of working as a collaborative team member.

  • Demonstrate the ability to work as a dental team member.

  • Provide patient management skills in the clinical setting.