CCOG for DH 204 archive revision 201704

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Effective Term:
Fall 2017

Course Number:
DH 204
Course Title:
Dental Hygiene Practice IV
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

A continuation of clinical activities to include treating periodontal patients and patients with heavy deposits; activities will correlate to theory lecture course DH 201. Co-requisite: DH 201

Addendum to Course Description

Competency Skill Levels:  DH Program basic skill competencies #'s 1-12 are addressed at the introductory and developing skill levels.

Intended Outcomes for the course

  • Provide assessment, periodontal diagnosis, care planning, implementation of treatment and treatment evaluation techniques for the patient with oral disease

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Create a dental hygiene treatment care plan appropriate for non-surgical periodontal therapy.

  • Create a nutritional diet for a periodontally involved patient.

  • Midterm and final exams

  • Complete clinical requirements at 75% or greater accuracy.

  • Satisfactorily complete a clinical test case.

  • Attend all clinic bay meetings, documentation meetings and clinical sessions unless excused.

  • Using reflective learning techniques, maintain a weekly journal.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

The periodontal patient
Assessment and care planning
Treatment options and sequencing
Non-surgical periodontal therapy
Nutritional analysis for dental health
New treatments, products and innovations.
Ultrasonic/sonic instrumentation
Irrigation therapy
Evaluation and maintenance care


  • Describe treatment sequencing for optimum patient care.

  • Explain the medical emergency protocols for the PCC clinic.

  • Recognize and assess the value of various new developments in dental hygiene care.

  • Explain the factors and considerations that must go into treatment planning for the periodontal patient.

  • Discuss the theory, operation, maintenance and precautions associated with use of ultrasonic/sonic instruments.

  • Compare and contrast hand-instrumentation and sonic/ultrasonic scaling.

  • Compare and contrast irrigation therapy products and systems.

  • Discuss nutritional concepts and their relationship to dental health.

  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 a food survey plan for use by a clinic patient.

  • Discuss patient management principles and problems associated with the periodontal patient.

  • Discuss possible reasons for modifying an established treatment plan.

  • Participate in classroom discussions of clinic problems, concern and share cases for peer review

  • Provide safe, effective clinical care for periodontally involved patients at a introductory level.

  • Demonstrate the ability to collect data for assessment, synthesize the data to form a dental hygiene diagnosis, plan, implement and evaluate treatment for a variety of clinic patients at the developmental level.