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Course Content and Outcomes Guides (CCOG)
Course Content and Outcomes Guides (CCOG)
CCOG Courses in English archive
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Course Number
Course Title
ENG 104
Introduction to Fiction (ENG104=ENG104Z)
Introduction to Literature (Fiction)
ENG 105
Introduction to Drama (ENG105=ENG105Z)
Introduction to Literature (Drama)
Introduction to Literature (Plays)
ENG 106
Introduction to Literature (Poetry)
Introduction to Poetry (ENG106=ENG106Z)
ENG 107
Introduction to World Literature (Up to 16th-Century)
World Literature
ENG 108
Introduction to World Literature (16th-Century to Present)
World Literature
ENG 195
Film Studies: Film as Art
ENG 196
Film Studies: Directors
ENG 197
Film Studies: Contemporary Themes and Genres
ENG 201
Shakespeare: Early Works
ENG 202
Shakespeare: Later Works
ENG 204
Survey of British Literature - Medieval Age to 1700s
Survey of English Literature
ENG 205
Survey of British Literature - 1700 to Present
Survey of English Literature
ENG 207
Literature of India
World Literature - Asian (India)
ENG 208
Literature of China
World Literature - Asian (China)
ENG 209
Literature of Japan
World Literature - Asian (Japan)
ENG 212
Biography and Autobiography
ENG 213
Latin American Literature
ENG 214
Literature of the Northwest
ENG 215
Literature of Genocide
ENG 216
Teen and Children's Literature
ENG 217
Literature of Genocide
ENG 220
Literature of Comics and Graphic Novels
ENG 222
Images of Women in Literature
ENG 230
Environmental Literature
ENG 237
Working-Class Literature
ENG 238
International Working Class Literature
ENG 240
Introduction to Native American Literatures
ENG 244
Introduction to Asian American Literature
Introduction to Asian-American Literature
ENG 246
Transnational Literature
ENG 250
Introduction to Folklore and Mythology
ENG 253
American Literature to 1865
ENG 254
American Literature from 1865
ENG 256
African-American Literature
ENG 257
African American Literature to the Harlem Renaissance
African-American Literature
ENG 258
African American Literature from the Harlem Renaissance
African-American Literature
ENG 260
Introduction to Women Writers
ENG 261
Literature of Science Fiction
ENG 265
International Political Poetry
Literature of Social Protest
ENG 266
Literature of War
ENG 269
Wilderness Literature
ENG 275
The Bible as Literature