CCOG for ETC 215 archive revision 201801

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Effective Term:
Winter 2018

Course Number:
ETC 215
Course Title:
ES Capstone: Emergency Services Hiring Process
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers the creation of a portfolio, documenting course work, activities, education and experience history. Includes the completion of a comprehensive personal history background. Provides discipline specific application process and disciple specific oral interview questions. Audit available. Department permission required.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion students should be able to:

? Complete pre-employment hiring documents with a high degree of accuracy and provide all pertinent information.
? Articulate knowledge, skills and abilities in a professional manner during oral interviews.
? Create and update a portfolio of employment related documents, certificates, examples of work product and any experiential activities
related to employment field.

Related Instruction

Hours: 4

? Complete pre-employment hiring documents with a high degree of accuracy and provide all pertinent information.
? Create and update a portfolio of employment related documents, certificates, examples of work product and any experiential activities related to employment field
Content (Activities, Skills, Concepts, etc.): provide details or specifics
? Calculate years of service for prior jobs in order to complete resumes, applications, and background checks.
? Maintain documentation of activities involving observations and “ride alongs” with emergency services professionals, including date and time of each activity and a chronological log of activities and disposition of activity.
? Express job tasks in percentage of time required or averaged for specific tasks.
? Recording and relaying number/letter combinations, addresses, telephone numbers and other numeric identifiers used in computerized pre-employment screening tests.
? Create a comprehensive personal background history, including personal information, work experience, education, all prior residences and length of time, medical, military and financial records and information regarding personal relationships which contain specific dates, locations, timeframes and contact information.

Hours: 10

? Complete pre-employment hiring documents with a high degree of accuracy and provide all pertinent information.
? Articulate knowledge, skills and abilities in a professional manner during oral interviews.
? Create and update a portfolio of employment related documents, certificates, examples of work product and any experiential activities related to employment field.
Content (Activities, Skills, Concepts, etc.): provide details or specifics
Students will:
? Professionally communicating with supervisors to set up sit along/ride along details.
? Create professional looking documents to provide to future employers.
? Work in small groups to practice interviewing skills.
? Participate in a mock interview with a panel of 3-4 industry professionals who will evaluate and provide constructive feedback. Interview will be video recorded so students may self-evaluate.
? Write reports on activities, which may be shared with perspective employers.
? Write sample cover letters, resumes, requests for recommendations or references, and acknowledgements (Thank You) letters for professional contacts.

Human Relations
Hours: 8

? Complete pre-employment hiring documents with a high degree of accuracy and provide all pertinent information.
? Articulate knowledge, skills and abilities in a professional manner during oral interviews.
? Create and update a portfolio of employment related documents, certificates, examples of work product and any experiential activities related to employment field.
Content (Activities, Skills, Concepts, etc.): provide details or specifics
Students will:
? Present themselves in a professional manner during oral interviews (video recorded) by an interview panel and in one on one interviews.
? Participate in all phases of pre-employment screening for positions in the emergency telecommunications field.
? Professionally communicating with supervisors to set up sit along/ride along details.
? Create professional looking documents to provide to future employers.
? Work in small groups to practice interviewing skills.
? Participate in a mock interview with a panel of 3-4 industry professionals who will evaluate and provide constructive feedback. Interview will be video recorded so students may selfevaluate.