CCOG for HIM 129 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Summer 2016

Course Number:
HIM 129
Course Title:
Anatomy & Physiology for Health Information Management 2
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Provides the conceptual framework, factual knowledge and analytical skills needed to pursue a career in health information management. Surveys the endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary, and some coverage of human development, human genetics, and immunology. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

1. Apply fundamental concepts of anatomy and physiology in the clinical functions of health information management. 
2.  Communicate with other healthcare professionals an understanding of human anatomy and physiology through verbal, written, and multimedia means.

3.  Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to the interpretation of clinical data in medical records. 
4.  Use an understanding of anatomy and physiology for qualitative analysis of patient records. 

5. Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology concepts to validate patient diagnosis and procedure codes as they related to the endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary, and immunology systems.

Course Activities and Design

The course is designed as a lecture format to be delivered via online distance learning instruction for Health Information Management students. The written lectures will be accompanied by various assignments, exams, and interactive projects to reinforce lecture material. There is no laboratory associated with this class.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Course outcome assessment will be achieved using a combination of some or all of the following: case studies, group projects, individual projects, quizzes, tests, presentations and other in class activities.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Themes (topics that thread through all of the instruction)
A. Application of anatomy & physiology concepts as they relate to the science of medicine
Concepts (things that need to be known and understood in support of the outcomes)
A. Identification of components of the endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary and immune systems.
B. Fundamental roles of these body systems in homeostasis of the human body
C. Pathological conditions related to endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary and immune systems
Issues (things that may need to be “overcome” in order to achieve the outcomes)
A. Communication of anatomy & physiology concepts with other healthcare professionals
B. Knowledge of resources available
C. Applying concepts and principles of anatomy & physiology to the study of health and disease
Skills (mastered by repetition and practice in order to achieve the outcomes)
A. Knowledge of pathological conditions related to each body system
B. Proficient communication with other healthcare professionals
C. Uses critical thinking to evaluate medical conditions