CCOG for PE 183Q archive revision 201502

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Effective Term:
Spring 2015 through Fall 2016

Course Number:
PE 183Q
Course Title:
Advanced Table Tennis
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Reviews skills, strokes and strategies used in singles and doubles play. Includes preparation for competition necessary to play. Recommended: Beginning, intermediate table tennis or equivalent experience. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Participate in table tennis as both a sport and as a method of developing physical fitness.
  • Further apply the fundamental rules, strategies and tactics of the sport of table tennis at an advanced level.
  • Continue to increase of the levels of fitness, agility, coordination and flexibility by playing advanced-level table tennis.
  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 a life-long fitness, health and wellness strategy that incorporates participation in table tennis.

Course Activities and Design

Uses  lecture, demonstration, individual instruction, and round-robin competition.   Class progresses from review, round
robin competition with personal couching, to final class tournement.  Course presentation will be the same as for Beginning
and Intermediate Table Tennis, except that the level is considered.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Grades will be based upon the following:
     Attendance-double emphasis on class tournament
     Completion of all assigned matches
     Improvement-measured weekly and at the class tournament

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Instructional Goal: 
To enable the student to be aware of the various styles of paddles
and rubber best suited to the various styles of play, and to
select the proper grip.
     1.1  To identify the tight paddle and rubber for each
     1.2  To select the right grip for the student.
          a.   Hand shake
          b.   Pen hold
          c.   Seemiller grip
Instructional Goal:
To develop an understanding and application of a proper serve.
     2.1  To identify the elements of a proper serve.
          a.   Ball presented in an open palm
          b.   Ball presented above table
          c.   Ball presented behind end-line
          d.   Ball toss of 6 inches
     2.2  To identify and remember each rule.
          a.   Scoring
          b.   Net serve
          c.   Net ball
          d.   Edge ball
          e.   A let
          f.   Block rule
          g.   Free hand on table 
Instructional Goal:
To further each student's ability to use all basic strokes.
     3.1  To identify and practice each of the basic strokes.
          a.   Drive
          b.   Smash
          c.   Loop
          d.   Push
          e.   Chop
          f.   Block
     3.2  To identify and practice the four elements of any
          a.   Ready position
          b.   Step into the stroke
          c.   Follow through
          d.   Recover
     3.3  To identify and practice the effects of various spins,
          whether given or received.
          a.   Topspin
          b.   Underspin
          c.   Side spin
          d.   No spin
Instructional Goal:
To develop effective footwork.
     4.1  To identify and practice footwork techniques for  various
          a.   Basic table position
          b.   Receiving serve
          c.   Side to side
          d.   Front to back
          e.   Back to front
          f.   Basic footwork for each of the six basic strokes
Instructional Goal:
To learn the rules of table tennis etiquette.
     5.1  To identify the proper social framework in which to
          a.   When to call a let
          b.   Allowing rom for other matches
          c.   Continuance of play
Instructional Goal:
To develop the recreational value involved in table tennis.
     6.1  To identify things that make table tennis fun as a
          recreational sport.
          a.   Lifetime sport
          b.   Anyone can play
          c.   Year-round sport
          d.   Lack of serious injuries
          e.   Cardiovascular