CCOG for VT 113 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2015

Course Number:
VT 113
Course Title:
Veterinary Microbiology
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网s the knowledge and skills necessary to perform microbiology functions. Includes learning about the various pathological genus and species of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Focuses on the various laboratory methods used in the identification of bacterial and fungal organisms.

Addendum to Course Description

In this course the student will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the duties required of a veterinary technician in the area of microbiology.    This is designed for first year veterinary technology students and is a graduation requirement for the Associates Degree in Applied Sciences in Veterinary Technology.  Credits in this course are not transferable to a four year school towards a baccalaureate degree.

Intended Outcomes for the course


Course Activities and Design

This course is designed to be a lecture and laboratory course.  It is a tree-credit-hour course that meets for four-lecture hours per week and five-lab hours per week for six weeks.   Topics covered will be general microbiological principles, taxonomy, pathogenic bacteriology, mycology, and virology, diseases caused, and sterilization methods.   

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Grades will be based on the student=s understanding of the course content as demonstrated by periodic lecture examinations, laboratory exercises, a comprehensive final exam, and by attendance.  Also in order to receive a passing grade, the student must have attended a minimum of 80 percent of each of the lecture and laboratory classes.  

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

 Upon successful completion of the course, the short term outcome will be that the student will have satisfactorily accomplished the goals and objectives of this course content guide and confirmed as provided in the assessment above.  The long term outcome desired is for the student to gain sufficient skills and knowledge of veterinary microbiology to successfully pass the National Veterinary Technician Board Examination and effectively utilize the knowledge gained in their Cooperative Education Experience and as a practicing veterinary technician upon graduation.  The course content guides are developed by college-wide subject area faculty and approved by the administration.      
1.0   Introduction to microbiology
Instructional goal: 
The goal is for the student to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the basic principles of microbiology, the study of microbes, and their classification.    
2.0   Bacterial growth and division
Instructional goal: 
The goal is for the student to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the requirements necessary to effect the growth and multiplication of bacterial and bacteria-like organisms. 
3.0   Disease, pathogenicity, antimicrobial methods, immunity, and epidemiology
Instructional goal: 
The goal is for the student to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the pathogenic mechanisms microorganisms possess to cause disease and the normal immunological methods and the chemotherapeutic methods used to combat these mechanisms.
4.0   Microorganisms and their associated diseases
Instructional goal:  
The goal is for the student to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the variety of types of pathogenic microorganisms and the diseases they produce in the host.
5.0   Laboratory competencies
Instructional goal:  
The goal is for the student to develop the knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform as a clinical laboratory technician in the field of microbiology in the laboratory setting of a veterinary hospital.