CCOG for HUS 230C Winter 2025

Course Number:
HUS 230C
Course Title:
Field Experience Seminar III: Family and Human Services
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Supports the development of skills for successful field experience placements. Covers working under supervision, teamwork, stress, professional boundaries, professional certification and related professional issues. Prerequisites: HUS 260, HUS 230B, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Corequisites: HUS 270.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Use knowledge and skills to reflect on and discuss professional practices in the human service field.
  • Collect and represent documentation of standard achievement as specified in the CSHSE National Standards for Associate degrees.
  • Apply the knowledge, theory, and skills needed for employment in the human services field to the content areas needed for the Human Services Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP) examination.

Course Activities and Design

  • Individual and large group presentations on related human service based topics.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Papers and essays.
  • Documentation and rationale for CSHSE standard achievement in all standard areas.
  • Case study scenarios