CCOG for MLT 282 Winter 2025

Course Number:
MLT 282
Course Title:
Clinical Seminar I
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces new and advanced concepts in clinical laboratory medicine and healthcare profession. Explores techniques for writing standard operational procedures. Provides opportunity for sharing and discussing practicum experiences. Covers professional resume writing and job application techniques. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Medical Laboratory Technology Program. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

The student continues to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitude required to function in a professional manner in the clinical laboratory setting as a health care professional. New technical topics such as tumor markers, virology, toxic metals and molecular diagnostic techniques are presented. Laboratory regulation, professional development and clinical laboratory science hot topics are presented. Techniques for writing resume and cover letter and strategies to be successful in job interviews are explored.

Intended Outcomes for the course

  • Use knowledge of advanced issues pertinent to the medical laboratory in the clinical setting to make appropriate and effective on-the-job professional decisions.
  • Utilize knowledge of employment and careers in the medical laboratory technology profession to research employment opportunities.

Course Activities and Design

The class is presented in a hybrid format: lecture/discussions and audio-visual presentations are presented in a web based instructional media, guest speaker presentations and examinations are conducted on campus. The student has the opportunity to share their clinical practice experiences with each other in a formal online discussion setting. The student is also required to prepare a resume, write a cover letter, participate in job interview simulations, research a laboratory test of her/his choice and to write a standard operation procedure according to laboratory protocol.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Assessment methods may include written examinations, written assignments, discussion activities and class attendance and participation. 

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Course Themes:

  • Cultivation of Professional 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
    • Attitude and traits expected of a clinical laboratory professional
    • Communication skills expected of the clinical laboratory professional
    • Professional societies
    • Roles of various health care professionals and how they function as a part of the larger health care team
    • Preparing for the job market
  • New Technical Laboratory topics
    • Standard operational procedure (SOP)
    • Critical values
    • Virology
    • Tumor markers
    • Toxic metals
    • Molecular diagnostic techniques
    • CLIA
    • Hot topics


Knowledge and Application (Cognitive Skills):

  • Expand knowledge of the clinical laboratory role in the health care industry
  • Expand knowledge on new technical laboratory topics
  • Prepare resume and cover letter in preparation for entering the job market
  • Participate in simulated job interviews
  • Write a clear, concise and complete SOP according to laboratory protocol
  • Utilize communication skills necessary for working in the health care setting

Professional (Affective) Skills:

  • Exercise and emphasize professionalism, including initiative, positive interpersonal skills, teamwork, respect and integrity