CCOG Courses in Microelectronics Technology Winter 2025

Course Number Course Title
MT 101 Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing
MT 102 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices
MT 103 Introduction to Micro and Nano Processing
MT 104 Introduction to Solar Voltaic Processing
MT 106 Math for Mechatronics
MT 107 Math for Microelectronics
MT 108 Statistics for Process Control
MT 111 Electronic Circuits & Devices I
MT 111A DC and AC Electronics Intro
MT 112 Electronic Circuits & Devices II
MT 112A DC and AC Electronics
MT 113 Electronic Circuits & Devices III
MT 113A Applications of Semiconductor Devices A
MT 113B Applications of Semiconductor Devices B
MT 121 Digital Systems I
MT 121A Digital Electronics Intro
MT 122 Digital Systems II
MT 122A Digital Electronics
MT 131 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers
MT 132 Programmable Logic Controller Application in Mechatronics
MT 150 Hand Tools for Assembly of Mechanical Systems
MT 151 Intro to Hand Tools and Mechanical Assembly
MT 153 Assembly of Mechanical Systems II
MT 155 Mechanical Systems
MT 163 Pneumatics
MT 165 Hydraulics
MT 173 Sensors, Power Amps and Motors
MT 175 AC Motors - Control, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
MT 177 Industrial Robots I
MT 178 Mechatronics Capstone-Industrial Robots II
MT 200 Semiconductor Processing
MT 222 Quality Control Methods in Manufacturing
MT 223 Vacuum Technology
MT 224 Process Equipment I
MT 227 Process Equipment II
MT 228 Process Equipment III
MT 240 RF Plasma Systems
MT 288 High Tech Employment Strategies