Join a Faculty Learning Community (FLC)

How do I join an FLC?

You can join an FLC by first reviewing the available FLC’s below and checking if:

  • You are interested in the topic
  • You teach within that academic pathway (FLC’s are 1st come 1st serve, if you are not currently teaching within an academic pathway, you can still sign up and will be put on a waitlist).
  • You are available during the listed times

If you said yes to all of these things, your next step is to sign up using the “Sign up Here” link below each FLC theme description.

What is the time commitment?

Approximately 2 Virtual Meetings, 3 hours each meeting, for Fall, Winter, and Spring

What is the difference between a “Topic” and a “Cohort”?

In a cohort, the same group of faculty will meet consistently throughout the year. We ask people joining cohort groups to commit for the full year.

Groups focused on topics are open for anyone to participate. Groups will vary from session to session, and faculty are welcome to come to one or all events.

Theme Fall Dates Times Facilitators
Hot Topics in Teaching

Sign up for Hot Topics in Teaching

  • Friday, January 23
  • Friday, March 1
9-11am Julie Hastings

Kelly LeFave

Teaching to Transgress

Sign up for Teaching to Transgress

  • Wednesday, January? 24
  • Wednesday, February 14
2-4pm Samm Erickson

Sandy Sampson

Career Success across the Curriculum

Sign up for Career Success across the Curriculum

  • Friday, February 9
  • Friday, March 1
2-4pm Martha Bailey

Manjula Bhatia

AI in Education: Inviting Students as co-Knowledge Creators

Sign up for AI in Education

TBD TBD Wilson Nitunga