Enrollment process

  1. Interest form

    Families can place their children on the wait list by filling out an interest form. When child care slots become available, we fill them from the wait list.?If you are expecting to have a baby, you can submit this form early.?Once the baby is born, call with the baby’s name and birth date.

  2. Admission

    The programs at the Portland Community College Child 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Center are available to everyone regardless of race, color, handicap, age, sex, or national origin. Enrollment is limited to PCC-Sylvania students, staff and faculty. Students must be taking at least 2 credits for each half-day session enrolled. We offer full-time and part-time options for infants (3-14 months), toddlers (14-36 months) and preschool children (3-5? years). You will need to submit additional forms to complete the enrollment process.

  3. Continued enrollment

    Once your child is enrolled in the program we assume that your child will keep that child care slot for the year. If your schedule changes you must submit in writing to the office a schedule change form. We will accommodate your requests on the basis of space availability. If you do not submit this form you will be charged for the child care hours reserved for your child. Continuing families have priority over new families.

  4. Transitioning children

    If you feel that your child is ready to transition to another age group, please discuss this with your child’s teacher and/or the director. If the center teachers and/or director feel your child is ready to transition to another age group we will discuss this with you before any change is made. The program wants to ensure your child’s transition is as smooth as possible. Your child will visit their new classroom and a transition plan will be developed with the new teacher.

Withdrawing your child

Written notice of 2 weeks is required when withdrawing a child from any program. This includes the end of fall or winter term if children are not returning for the next academic term. If you withdraw without notice, two weeks child care will be charged. If you submit your notice, you will be charged two weeks of care from date of receipt of written notice.