This content was published: February 24, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Friends of Tryon Creek: Spend time outdoors and get great exercise in service to nature!

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Stewardship Saturdays in Tryon Creek State Natural Area, 9am to 12pm

Pull together to remove invasive English ivy and to protect our forest. Ivy out competes our native plants, covers tree canopy stopping photosynthesis, takes over the forest floor and ruins precious habitat. We choose to remove this ivy manually without chemicals in order to minimize damage to the ecosystem, so help from the greater community is very much appreciated. Come hang out with fellow nature enthusiasts and give back to your community!

  • Registration is not required but please call ahead with groups of 5 or more
  • Come to 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. 97219
  • Parking space is limited so carpooling is recommended if possible
  • All minors must be checked in at the Nature Center with their minor’s insurance form signed by a parent/guardian (can be found on our website at
  • Anyone under 14 MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian
  • Gloves and a light snack provided
  • Please bring your own water bottle
  • Please dress for the weather, to get dirty, and to be off trail (sturdy shoes and long pants are strongly suggested)
  • We usually need to hike at least 15-20 minutes to get to the spot where we will be working

Contact Information

Sarah Kreisman,?Community Engagement Coordinator
503-636-4398 |?

About the Organization

The Friends of Tryon Creek’s mission is to connect people to this important natural area, share our passion for the wonders of nature and inspire environmental stewardship in all.