This content was published: November 5, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Benson L?MP:ARA : Volunteer Opportunity at Benson Polytechnic H.S

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Volunteer to be a College Access Coach

L?MP:ARA coaches are college students who work with high school students in small groups throughout the school year.

What does a College Access Coach do?

  • Mentoring
  • Tutoring
  • Training

Are there any other requirements?

  • Identify as Latin@
  • Currently enrolled in College
  • Committed to serving for the remaining of the school year (Now through May 31st)
  • Comfortable talking about race, privilege, and equity

Contact Information

Roselia Ekhause | 503-916-5100 (Ext. 77266)

About the?Organization

The L?MP:ARA program (Latinos Adelante Mentor Program:?Apoyo y Recursos Académicos) aims to improve academic and professional success, retention and graduation rates of active program participants. It plans to enhance 9th and 10th grade Latino Students overall high school experience.