This content was published: February 25, 2016. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

SOLVE: Alameda Ridge Stairs – Native Planting

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This project will start the healing process for one of the finest public stairways in the City of Portland.

It has been neglected and was once taken over by ivy and laurel. The invasive species have been cleaned up and now it is time to plant native plants in the beds along the stairs. Nearly 500 native plants that include favorites like sword fern, evergreen huckleberry, mock orange and snowberry need to be planted. It will be great fun with hot and cold beverages, pastries, tools and gloves provided. As a part of the cleanup of invasive species and planting of native plants, we will apply to the Backyard Habitat program to be a certified Backyard Habitat. This could be the first public space to be certified through that program. We hope it will encourage surrounding landowners to also become certified.

Activities include: Native Planting.

Contact Information

Kaleen Boyle, Outreach Coordinator|?503-844-90571 ext. 332

About the Organization

SOLVE is a state-wide non-profit organization that takes action every day to keep Oregon clean and green. We mobilize over 35,000 volunteers and organize over 1,000 cleanup and restoration projects throughout the state.

Our mission: Bring Oregonians together to improve our environment and build a legacy of stewardship.