This content was published: September 11, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Rock Creek Learning Garden: RSVP to schedule learning garden opportunities for fall term by Friday, Sept. 29

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Community Based Learning

PCC Rock Creek Learning Garden Course Collaborations for FA 2017

Hello PCC Staff and Faculty,

If we have not yet met, my name is Miriam Latzer and I am the Learning Garden Coordinator here at PCC Rock Creek. I wanted to reach out and?remind you about the opportunities that we offer for course collaboration and Community-Based Learning.

Whether you teach science, language, arts, math, creative writing, or any subject garden-based learning can be a great way to integrate classroom learning into the real world for your students. Whether you are interested in a one-time sustainability loop tour or garden activity for your class, a more involved group project, or assigning volunteer hours for credit, please respond by Friday, September 29 to schedule an opportunity for the fall term!
Volunteer Hours for Fall term will remain: Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9am-1pm.

Looking forward to meeting in the garden!

Miriam Latzer,?Learning Garden Coordinator
Portland Community College
Rock Creek Campus