This content was published: November 13, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Floyd Light SUN Community School: Engage With a Diverse and Energetic Community at Floyd Light SUN Program’s Weekly Food Pantry!

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Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter
Despite an abundance of fresh food in Portland, many families in our community, including roughly 70% of the families at Floyd Light, face food insecurity every day. At Floyd Light SUN Community School, we aim to reduce the crisis of food insecurity in our community by providing our patrons with a free weekly shopping pantry.

We are in need of volunteers to assist our patrons as they shop the shelves and fridges of our pantry. We are especially interested in volunteers that can speak Cantonese, Chinese, Russian, or Vietnamese, although we will graciously accept all who volunteer.

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About the Organization

The SUN program at Floyd Light Middle School strategically organizes community resources to provide educational support and skill development for youth and adults, extra enrichment activities outside of the regular school day, and family and community events. Our community resources include our weekly food pantry, daily extended-day classes for students and parent leadership workshops.

About the Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter

The?Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter allows students, faculty, and staff at PCC a more comprehensive look at volunteer needs and opportunities from our community partners. Our hope is that the newsletter will allow subscribers to stay better informed about community service opportunities in the tri-county areas of Portland, Oregon, as well as non-profit internships and scholarships available locally and nationally.

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