This content was published: November 1, 2016. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Professional 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment for FT & PT Faculty – Application Deadline Friday, Nov 11

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Thinking about how to engage your students? CBL is the answer!


CBL is accepting Faculty Cohort Applications through Friday, November 11, 2016!

Community-based learning (CBL) increases understanding of course content, encourages critical thinking, and promotes understanding of diversity. These are just a few of the student outcomes that are enhanced through CBL. Through participation in the CBL Faculty Cohort, you will receive training and guidance on how to achieve these key outcomes using the high impact practice of community-based learning.

Cohort members will:

  • receive a $300 stipend for their time and work during the cohort
  • be recognized at the Annual Community-Based Learning Banquet
  • be eligible for the CBL Implementation Mini Grant ($200) in order to receive focused support and to troubleshoot as a course is in motion


Contact?any of the CBL Staff:
Hannah Cherry, District CBL Program Coordinator
Lisa George, Cascade and Rock Creek CBL Faculty Coordinator
Laura Sanders, Southeast CBL Faculty Coordinator
Elizabeth Cole, Sylvania CBL Faculty Coordinator
Diane Shingledecker, CTE CBL Faculty Coordinator