This content was published: December 8, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Columbia Slough Watershed Council: Exercise your creativity as our Videographer Volunteer!

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The Columbia Slough Watershed Council is seeking a volunteer videographer for our annual awards videos. These awards honor local watershed heroes! In the time-honored Slough tradition, each award will be recognized with a humorous video describing the award winner’s efforts. For a look at what has been done in the past, check out our videos from last year. We’ll provide the acting talent and the Videographer Volunteer will be responsible for filming and assisting with direction on the set to achieve the best footage possible. There may be an opportunity to assist with editing and creating the final product depending on the volunteer’s skill set and interest.

Project 1: Video filming
December – January. With option to begin filming additional 20th Anniversary video in early November. Approximately 40 hours, filming days semi-flexible.

Project 2: Video editing
January – early February. Option to edit 20th Anniversary video with interest and ability. Both projects completed by February 4th, 2015.
Approximately 20-40 hours, schedule flexible.

Project 3: Other video production
Month to month. We have a number of small video production projects that we’d like an individual or group to take on. Contact us for more details!

Contact Information

Hanna Davis,?Volunteer Coordinator
(503) 281-1132

About the Organization

The Columbia Slough Watershed Council, a non-profit-tax exempt organization, is a diverse group of stakeholders working to restore and enhance the 60 miles of waterways known as the Columbia Slough, located in Portland, Gresham, and Fairview. For more information you can visit our website at?